Minutes of FSCI Admins Meetup held online on 19th April 2020

Meeting started at 2.30pm via meet.jit.si and lasted around two and a half hours. Abhijith, Akhil, Ambady, Kannan, Manu, Praveen and Suman participated. Tanseem and Kiran joined for a short amount of time. The main agenda for the meeting was as follows:
Open ticket to transfer old loomio server account on scaleway to Manu's account.
Poddery - Upgrade Matrix & XMPP.
Make access repo more structured.
Check if any domain's DNS is pending to switch to Digital Ocean.
Meeting went far beyond the listed agenda and the following decisions were taken:
Use gitlab issues more effectively to manage the tasks. On a related note, git.fosscommunity.in performance has increased drastically and now runs the latest CE version. Thanks to Praveen.
Assign Ambady (me) to open ticket with scaleway for account transfer.
Akhil volunteered to upgrade Matrix (Synapse). Suman volunteered to assist.
Assign XMPP (Prosody) upgrade to Kannan. Akhil volunteered to assist. Prosody was upgraded recently at diasp.in. Dhanesh & Akhsay worked behind it and they can be contacted for assistance if needed.
Currently it seems only Shamil has ssh access to the server used for monitoring uptime and performance of Poddery with Grafana. Check if access can be gained from the Scaleway account. Also check the status of uptime robot.
Assign access repo management tasks to Ambady. Currently access repo has some outdated data. Move them to a backup file. Also, domain details are spread across multiple files and it needs to be moved to the domains.txt file. Except the domain data, details of each service including the backup server details should be kept in separate files. Details of the public accounts for each service, such as social media accounts, should also stay in separate files. People updating access repo should make sure that they download the missing GPG keys from a public key server or by pinging the key owners manually.
Archive poddery repo in the credentials subgroup which is no longer maintained in favor of the access repo.
Akhil volunteered to update Loomio (codema.in) as he's already maintaining it.
Update FSCI website with the preamble mentioned here.
Assign postgres replication on the Poddery server to Suman. Akhil volunteered to assist.
Release a statement on the recent sprinklr related privacy issues. Praveen has already started a draft at https://pad.disroot.org/p/saas-privacy-sprinkler.
Conduct another online meetup at the same time (2pm) next sunday (26th) to follow-up the tasks.
There was also discussion regarding bringing more people to FSCI. Abhijith and Kiran applied for permanent membership. Tanseem suggested using Freedombox to manage Poddery. Since freedombox is about making installation easier and we had already installed the required services along with many customizations this doesn't really apply for us. Regarding FSCI wiki (wiki.fsci.org.in), it now runs on a shared hosting server provided by Manu. To upgrade MediaWiki, PHP has to be upgraded first. Since there are many other websites running on that server, this can only be done gradually and will take time. For more updates on the tasks listed above, follow gitlab issues here.

Pirate Bady Sun 19 Apr 2020 6:44PM
Okay. Currently the issue is assigned to @Akhil and I hope he can contact Shine if needed.

Pirate Bady Sun 26 Apr 2020 6:26PM
So another meetup was conducted on 26th April at 2:30pm, half an hour late than decided due to network issues with some. Abhijith, Akhil, Akshay, Ambady, Dhanesh, Kannan, Kiran, Praveen, Syam and Suman were present. The agenda was to follow-up the decisions taken in the previous week's meeting (listed above). The main updates of the meeting are as follows:
Scaleway team responded saying account transfer feature is not available, it was decided to contact the concerned party, Sooraj Kenoth, and ask for sharing the expenses or to move the data manually.
Synpase upgrade will be done after Suman sets up postgres replication. Same for riot-web update.
Kiran took over the task of upgrading Prosody from Kannan.
No efforts were succesfull in gaining access to the Poddery monitor server. It was decided to wait until Shamil responds before taking any further actions regarding the same.
It was found that two files, related to IRC account & videos.fsci.org.in, in the access repo are outdated and will be moved to a backup file.
Loomio will be updated to the latest point release once branding changes are done.
FSCI website updated with the preamble. It was suggested to add contact details in a more prominent position.
We can now use admin@fsci.in instead of admin@fsci.org.in. Thanks to Abhijith and Praveen.
Syam set up a Jitsi instance at meet.fsci.in. It was decided to keep it in the testing phase for two months. If we've have enough volunteers, demand and resources we could continue the service and announce it for public use. There was also discussions about choosing a platform for publishing official statements and other updates. See this thread for more details.

Poll Created Sat 29 Aug 2020 2:26PM
Would you join for a meetup 3 pm tomorrow? Closed Sun 30 Aug 2020 10:00AM
Main agenda is to discuss about a crowd funding campaign for meet.fsci.in Also join #meet.fsci.in:poddery.com
Created https://git.fosscommunity.in/community/management/-/issues/56 to track this. Jitsi URL will be shared close to the starting time in this thread and the matrix group.
Edit: Shifted to 3 pm as requested by Abhijith. Join at https://meet.fsci.in/CrowdFunding
Results | Option | Voters | |||
Yes | 10 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Undecided | 201 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
10 of 211 people have participated (4%)
Abhijith PA Sun 30 Aug 2020 5:29AM
Can we move meeting to 3PM ?

Pirate Praveen Sun 30 Aug 2020 7:05AM
I'm fine with it, I hope others are fine too.
Abhijith PA Sun 30 Aug 2020 6:24AM
Is it only related to meet.fsci. I heard poddery is also on negative balance. And from this month onwards lists.fsci will be running from my pocket. https://wiki.fsci.org.in/index.php/Budget

Pirate Praveen Sun 30 Aug 2020 7:07AM
I think we should do separate campaigns for each as different people may want to support different services.

Pirate Praveen Sun 30 Aug 2020 9:29AM
Meeting at https://meet.fsci.in/CrowdFunding

Pirate Praveen Sun 30 Aug 2020 10:35AM
Thanks everyone for joining, we will use https://git.fosscommunity.in/community/management/-/issues/56 to track progress on this.
Pirate Praveen · Sun 19 Apr 2020 6:34PM
@Bady @shine should also have access to monitor server as he setup some redirects when doing the name server migration to Digital Ocean.