Donor Page

Donor page (designed by @akshayr ) has been added and can be found at .
For now, only added details of those who replied the mail seeking the same. What to do about rest?
Should we add the name they gave at indiegogo?

Balasankar C Mon 2 Dec 2013 1:09PM
Ok, but next update will be only after December 6.. Exam, exam... ;)

Manu Krishnan T V Mon 2 Dec 2013 6:55PM
@balasankarchelamat I do agree with Praveen. A similar look with the homepage will be better. Its based on bootstrap and will be a good thing to learn if you aren't familiar with it.
If its hard for you due to exams, I could get it done. Can give it as an assignment for our inters here. :)

Balasankar C Mon 2 Dec 2013 6:59PM
Sure... I am fine with giving it to your interns. I believe @akshayr too have no problem. However, if the interns curse, its all up on you.. :P

Balasankar C Mon 2 Dec 2013 6:59PM
@manukrishnantv ^
Akshay R Tue 3 Dec 2013 5:15AM
@balasankarchelamat I dont have any probs :D after all we need to have a best design for this page.

Pirate Praveen Sat 25 Jan 2014 3:58PM
We still got to fix design of contributors page. @balasankarchelamat we have missed people who gave money in INR. Do you have that list?
Pirate Praveen · Mon 2 Dec 2013 1:05PM
@balasankarchelamat can we use the same design as the front page? Keep the top bar and have content below it. If they have requested their name to be added, lets add it.