Sun 14 Feb 2021 3:03PM

Improving India's position on Human Rights

PV Pirate Vik Public Seen by 21

Despite India's obligations under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it's position in international rankings is deteriorating. What can be done to reverse this position?


Pirate Vik Sun 14 Feb 2021 3:13PM

According to whilst human rights legislation exists, it does not clearly define how and by who offences should be judged and therefore remains a broken framework. Improving this legislation would be a basic starting point to improving the position internationally.


Pirate Vik Mon 15 Feb 2021 2:01PM

Firstly is seems an amendment is required so that session judges are given authority to preside over cases under the human rights act


Pirate Praveen Mon 15 Feb 2021 3:50PM

I don't think it can be changed in isolation. Unless we stop the tribal/gang mentality of supporting everything 'our' gang/party/group does and opposing only 'them'. Only if people stand up when their own side violate rights, we can fix this. As long as CPIM or Congress or TMC only talk about rights violations of BJP and remain silent about violation by their govts, we can't fix.

For example CPIM opposed UAPA when they were in opposition and used it when they were in power and no CPIM supporters spoke against it. This was something they could have fixed if they wanted to, since it was their own government.

In the same way BJP supporters seem to recognize human rights violations in Myanmar only.

But we can think about amendments to current law, if we ever get power.


Pirate Vik Tue 16 Feb 2021 11:55AM

What I mean is that the legislation already exists but requires refinement for it to work properly. This allows the courts to have jurisdiction and for citizens themselves to use the courts to set precedent - rather than relying on any political party or government to achieve it.


Pirate Vik Tue 16 Feb 2021 12:00PM

also, having a citizen based bi partisan human rights panel to decide on how well India is performing, rather than relying on foreign organisations would go some way to dispelling the human rights vs sovereignty argument