Thu 11 Mar 2021 7:34PM

Owner's Right to Repair

PJ Pankaj Jangid Public Seen by 24

Ever wonder why our grand parents could repair house hold items like radios, ovens etc. and why we cannot do so with our latest smart-phones. Because company don't want us to do so. This is a deliberate design.

Manufacturers are not selling genuine parts. So even after paying hefty sum to own a gadget, we still don't own it completely. For repairs we have to take the device to the Manufacturer only.

My proposal is:

  1. Manufacturers must sell genuine replacement parts and tools, as well as make repair documentation available to anyone.

  2. It should be illegal for companies to void your warranty just because you repaired or modified something yourself. Companies must prove that your DIY repair or modification caused something else in the device to malfunction.


Ravi Dwivedi Thu 11 Mar 2021 7:44PM

What should we do about the proposal? Do you propose it to add it in the manifesto or take a stand and publish it on the website?


Pankaj Jangid Thu 11 Mar 2021 7:54PM

I want it to be published on website. Manifesto should be much broader... I guess. And my proposal is very specific.


Ravi Dwivedi Thu 11 Mar 2021 8:02PM

I think both can be done. Include Right to Repair in the manifesto. And also take a stand on this situation.


Ravi Dwivedi Thu 11 Mar 2021 7:51PM

You can add some instances like:

1. Apple Is Lobbying Against Your Right to Repair iPhones, New York State Records Confirm ;

2. Tesla introduced a subscription controlled by Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) for their car to keep it active and updated while it is with you.

3. Tractor companies are not letting farmers own the tractors they purchased but only granting the license to use them