Suggestion to make logo fit well inside a square

I suggest to make the logo square so that it'll fit better in many places, for eg. as profile picture in social media accounts. This can be done by simply writing Indian Pirates in two lines as demonstrated in the image attached herewith.

Pirate Praveen Mon 17 Apr 2017 3:23AM
I think version should be used only where there is a requirement of square logo, everywhere else we should use the other logo. @bady try if 'INDIAN' can go above the anchor and pirate flag. @vik what do you think?

Pirate Bady Mon 17 Apr 2017 7:12AM
I think version should be used only where there is a requirement of square logo
oh yes, that's fine too.

Pirate Bady Mon 17 Apr 2017 7:28AM
try if 'INDIAN' can go above the anchor and pirate flag.

Pirate Praveen Wed 19 Apr 2017 7:40AM
I liked this version better. How about creating a section for all campaign materials on the website?

Pirate Bady Sun 23 Apr 2017 8:47PM
How about creating a section for all campaign materials on the website?
yes, that will be good.
Sooraj Kenoth · Mon 17 Apr 2017 3:12AM
I agree, I would say we should get a feed back from the designer first