Sat 30 Jan 2021 9:51AM
Kerala Assembly Elections 2021

Kerala Assembly elections are around the corner. I think previous election experiences helped in connecting with people and growing us as a community. Who all would be interested to contribute as volunteers if we contest this year too? If we have at least a handful of people willing to volunteer, we can consider contesting elections.

Pirate Praveen Mon 1 Feb 2021 6:19AM
Though with covid-19 still an issue, I'm not sure if I want take the higher risk of more exposure (being a diabetic patient). We can still look at independent candidates and campaign for them if we find some good candidates. And still do more online campaigns to increase our reach.

Manav Sethi Fri 5 Feb 2021 12:40PM
I can also help with any sort of online campaign . I am based out of Delhi currently so I wouldn't be able to go onsite anywhere
Akshay · Sun 31 Jan 2021 1:35PM
I can volunteer for an online campaign.