Sat 21 Nov 2020 5:18PM

Suggestions related to Defence Procurement and bureaucracy role in defence deals.

DU Deleted User Public Seen by 33

I hope the topic is quite clear for us to read. All we need now is a serious introspection, and more than that, the creative ideas to keep the corruption gini out from any defence procurement deals henceforth.

To put things in perspective, defense procurement and related scams have started soon after India gained independence. To be precise, with the Jeep scandal since 1948, and then it did not stop there.

Unfortunately, the story of this scam has been drawn for almost 70 years since India gained independence and we are still pulling it.

It is still dragging on because the system has not changed; frankly, no one wants this to be changed. Since the scope of the kickback is very large and huge no one can deny themselves a piece of the pie if it is offered on the platter. At the heart of this corruption cycle is a nexus between the media, bureaucrats, politicians and top officials of the defense forces.

Having said that, let's jolt down the key areas of corruption and possible solution, so we can eventually get rid of this age old problem of our country. Which is a big security risk to us as an individual and more than us to our security forces, who stand on borders to defend our freedom, sovereignty and our dignity as an independent citizen of an independent country.


Pirate Vik Sun 22 Nov 2020 10:54AM

Is the information for awards of contracts published somewhere online?

What about new upcoming contracts?

If so, we could grab that data and do some analysis / presentation to put a spotlight on the subject


Deleted User Sun 22 Nov 2020 7:46PM

Currently there is no major deal taking place, as far as I am aware off, but I am sure if we start looking, we will find lots of procurement deals going on, as we speak...


Pirate Praveen Sun 22 Nov 2020 5:24PM

@Sah Are you aware of any existing proposals for improvements which we can look at?


Deleted User Sun 22 Nov 2020 7:44PM

The one popular suggestion as I shared before is getting rid of Administrative wing completely from defence deal. Instead of that, hire ex decorated and honest defence personnels. This could very well address some of the pertinent issues if not completely.

However, Still you just can't put out Polticians and Media out of it. But we need a rules, which uphold the transparency of the deal and curb the corruption taking place.


Pirate Vik Mon 23 Nov 2020 5:06PM

rules plus oversight and scrutiny of the deals, the same already happens in the financial sector


Pirate Praveen Tue 24 Nov 2020 7:18AM

I think this is a problem with idea of creating new honest institutions. Where do you find honest members to be in these institutions? And how do we ensure the appointment process will stick to that goal?


Deleted User Tue 24 Nov 2020 10:34AM

I think we need to lay trust eventually on someone. The good thing about ex service man and woman is they wear their CV on their chest. We could always look back on their track record, their integrity, and their code of conduct while they were on their active duty.


Pirate Vik Fri 27 Nov 2020 5:27PM

You use data, analytics and algorithms to check and watch out for exceptions as a method of automated governance. We do not need to repeat what has gone before, but we can innovate new solutions to old problems.


Pirate Vik Fri 27 Nov 2020 5:25PM

I'd like to expand the topic here to include the governance of other deals too. It's not just corruption and waste in defence deals but also international trade deals and domestic supply contracts that could have better oversight.