Kindly upload any posters for the campaign or any other purpose here
[deactivated account] Tue 19 Apr 2016 8:00PM
[deactivated account] Tue 19 Apr 2016 8:00PM
[deactivated account] Tue 19 Apr 2016 8:02PM

Vidyut Wed 20 Apr 2016 7:28AM
Nice. We may not be able to use "Pirates Party" if we aren't a registered party. Check with @praveenarimbrathod
Though I don't think it will matter. Pirate Party is as much a concept and our candidate is independent.
[deactivated account] Wed 20 Apr 2016 7:31AM
Right right.. I'll change it.. Any suggestions as to what we could replace it with? My creativity skills are dabba gol!

Vidyut Wed 20 Apr 2016 7:38AM
I don't know. I think the posters should incorporate Praveen's election promises. No idea what they are at this point. People aren't interested in fancy concepts for elections. They want to know why they should vote for the person. What they will get.
I think the concept of digital India is worth engaging with. If only for how shitty it is. The sites have terrible security. We have freaking Ankit Fadia as a brand ambassador and half the sites don't work. We have mandatory Aadhaar being pushed in spite of SC order and yet the Aadhaar website says all areas don't have Aadhaar centers to make Aadhaar. Official govt apps have security flaws and no working email addresses to provide patches. A recent leak in the UIDAI app allowed writing a script to grab personal details of users from Aadhaar nos to street addresses - whatever the gullible idiots provided to the app.
The LPG survey could be adapted for the campaign. For example, a poster asking whether citizens are getting LPG subsidy due to them and the decreasing subsidy for those who are getting and the many who are deprived anyway. And so on.
Pirates are a digital gen concept. We might as well use a digital and hacker sort of reputation to challenge existing issues on fronts we are perceived as competent on.
Then posters could reflect that. But it all depends on what Praveen's vision is for this. He will have to provide what he is willing to take up - he will be the one to deliver.

Vidyut Wed 20 Apr 2016 7:40AM
Another suggestion, make designs that can be reproduced easily. Fancy backgrounds and solid colors will need more printing expenses. I like these and most of the campaign posters can probably be printed bulk, but at least some should be such that anyone can download and get printed in some practical quantity on whatever is handy.
[deactivated account] Wed 20 Apr 2016 7:41AM
Hmm okay.. I get it.. Thanks

Vidyut Wed 20 Apr 2016 7:46AM
Don't scratch these. They are good. Just ADD a few that can be printed on some desktop printer nearby and bulk photocopied (black and white contrast should work to keep it legible).
I think the first is a good poster for carpet bombing candidate name without details. But more posters should be on basis of campaign promises or problems Praveen will address.
[deactivated account] · Tue 19 Apr 2016 7:59PM