Fri 17 Jul 2015 6:16AM

Proposed edit to our constitution

V Vidyut Public Seen by 485

I propose that this be added to our constitution.

Indian Pirates are committed to support civil rights, direct democracy and participation in government, reform of copyright and patent law, free sharing of knowledge (open content), information privacy, transparency, freedom of information, anti-corruption and network neutrality.

From my experience of this community over the last 4 years, I have not seen any collective stand go contrary to any of this. Not a single one. These are known Pirate Party causes. Yet, we call ourselves pirates, but for some mysterious reason have refrained from stating this explicitly. I propose we adopt them formally, so that we may work on them more actively.

Note: I don't know how the voting thing goes. Separate proposals for each or one proposal that people can comment any disagreement on.


Vidyut Fri 17 Jul 2015 7:13AM

@michaeljohnsinclai can you describe the distinction you are making? as in with perhaps an example that would be the problem with stating civil rights instead of human rights?


Pirate Praveen Fri 17 Jul 2015 9:09AM

@vidyut I also think human rights is better. It is broader than civil rights.


Vidyut Sun 19 Jul 2015 5:30AM

I am fine with changing civil rights to human rights too. This was basically a copy paste from wikipedia to represent the standard understanding of pirate party goals. But I don't know if this needs a new vote, or we're good to go with this one. I also don't know why this is ending in 24 hours. It isn't an urgent thing, IMO.


Pirate Praveen Sun 19 Jul 2015 5:54AM

@vidyut the default end date for a vote is 3 days. I suggest you increase it. I think 7 days should be minimum.


Pirate Praveen Sun 19 Jul 2015 5:56AM

@vidyut once we get a consensus here, it has to be approved by "voting members".


Vidyut Sun 19 Jul 2015 6:02AM

Yes @praveenarimbrathod figured out the date thing. Extended this to end of the month.

So when we put it for approval by voting members, we can change it to human rights with disclosure? Or should I make an edit now with disclosure?


Pirate Praveen Sun 19 Jul 2015 6:02AM

@vidyut "information privacy" could be changed to "personal information/communications privacy" or it may appear conflicting with "freedom of information".


Vidyut Sun 19 Jul 2015 6:03AM

Agree with this too, @praveenarimbrathod. Makes sense.


Pirate Praveen Sun 19 Jul 2015 6:05AM

@vidyut also transparency should be clarified to "transparent government".


Pirate Praveen Sun 19 Jul 2015 6:10AM

@vidyut it may be better to mention "accountability as a reason for demanding transparency and freedom of information" (btw these two are very similar goals). Otherwise people confuse privacy and transparency. Many times they ask "why you want privacy when you demand transparency from government". The direction of accountability has to be made explicit.


Pirate Praveen Sun 19 Jul 2015 6:15AM

@vidyut we can collect maximum inputs first and then open another vote here with agreed changes before putting it through voting members.


Vidyut Sun 19 Jul 2015 4:36PM

@praveenarimbrathod like how you are refining this. I agree. Do you want to recommend a replacement sentence?


michael john sinclair. Sun 19 Jul 2015 8:52PM

The difference between Human and civil rights is that civil rights are only for Indian citizens where as Humanrights are for everyone who lives in India,People Live in India pay taxes their, but they are not citizens.


Vidyut Mon 20 Jul 2015 3:23AM

Good point, @michaeljohnsinclai I agree it human rights should be present. Now I am thinking that both civil rights and human rights should be present.


michael john sinclair. Thu 30 Jul 2015 7:32AM

Human rights, civil rights is nationalistic, excluding all people in India who have no citizenship of India, Pirates are for Inclusion.


Vidyut Thu 30 Jul 2015 7:39AM

Agree on human rights. I think civil rights should be there as well. India has massive problems with appropriation of civil rights in the name of "development". Mass displacements in the name of large projects, inadequate compensation, policies that push the poor into debt and more.

Many of these things are the right of a citizen from the state or duty of the state toward citizens.


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Pirate Praveen Mon 17 Aug 2015 3:27PM

Add this to constitution, so people have some clarity on our goals.

modus operandi

  • talk to as many people as possible about us, choose any idea you are comfortable with
  • form policies on as many issues as possible
  • once we have at least a 100 people who want to form a party, register as a party

michael john sinclair. Mon 17 Apr 2017 9:39AM


"participation in government", could also be missunderstood, in other constitutions most pirates say they are activists forced to be politicians and to govern is not a Pirate aim, it is more like that all Citizens become the Goverment.

Pirate regards
Mickey sinclair