Mon 19 Aug 2024 6:16PM

Librem 5: Priority features / regression fixes for daily driving

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 2

Librem 5: Priority missing features or regressions compared to mobian bookworm when upgrading to mobian trixie

Creating a device specific issues thread as suggested by @Guido. Please suggest Librem 5 specific issues we need to address to enable us to use it as a daily driver with Mobian Trixie.

Update: Using a thread per issue and using tags to filter device specific issues is a more flexible approach.


Pirate Praveen Mon 19 Aug 2024 6:18PM


Pirate Praveen Mon 19 Aug 2024 6:55PM


Guido Wed 21 Aug 2024 10:17AM

> But on Trixie, we need to implement this with Pipewire.

I think echo cancellation also helps PP with free custom firmware (


Pirate Praveen Wed 21 Aug 2024 11:24AM


Guido Wed 21 Aug 2024 10:21AM

Another thing for the L5 would be utilizing the M4 core to keep e.g. notification LEDs blinking in suspend. There's some prelimenary work there already (not a regression so maybe a topic for another thread)?


Pirate Praveen Wed 21 Aug 2024 11:17AM

@Guido I think thread per issue and tags for filtering device specific issues as well as regression vs feature is more flexible approach.


Guido Wed 21 Aug 2024 10:24AM

Since we discussed that elsewhere: Another thing that comes to mind is mainlining enough kernel bits so that the L5 would at least boot and turn on the display (and then split out other mainlining bits into separate tasks).


Pirate Praveen Thu 22 Aug 2024 6:48AM

Closing this thread as all suggested items have their own threads now.