December: season of donations, we should add a prominent notice on the homepage/sidebar

@julius2 suggested this,
Something like: "Life without Please Donate."
Ideas? @abhijithb21 can you update the front page?

Pirate Praveen Wed 14 Dec 2016 3:22PM
We can use to receive funds. Unlike Indiegogo, there is no time limit and there is no fees (only once time transfer fee of 25 USD and payment processor charges 3% + 30 cents on every donation). This can be a really good option for us as people can contribute using their credit cards. Can someone help make a nice image for the fund raiser? @jakobnorregard can you help? Any size with equal width and height should be fine.
I have launched the campaign as we are short of time but consider it as a placeholder and help with the story.

Pirate Praveen Wed 14 Dec 2016 3:26PM
@abhijithb21 can you make this crowd funding as the first option at (invert the order, make direct bank transfer as the last option as that is the hardest). Also please link to the two crowd funding campaigns in the headings "Crowd Funding Round-2" and "Crowd Funding Round-1". Any ideas to make people notice the contribute link, especially in this season?

Pirate Praveen Wed 14 Dec 2016 3:43PM
Current funding status: Received 534.44 USD (34,899.95 INR) from for last campaign. We paid Anish 11431 INR (154 USD) for hosting charges (he has been advancing the payment). This is from March 2016 to September 2016. We also renewed domain for 3 years for 26.40 USD. So we have about 354 USD left.
Jakob Thu 15 Dec 2016 6:58AM
@praveenarimbrathod - sure I'll get to work on something square...
Jakob Fri 16 Dec 2016 9:54AM
I did something in indian style - with something that could be seen as a Christmas tree that has mated with a lotus-flower. The text can be changes easily in Inkscape, so just tell me what you want. If you like it, just tell me whick sizes are needed, (ie. 1400x1400 px)

Pirate Praveen Sat 17 Dec 2016 6:46AM
Looks good to me, thanks! Please share the svg also in case others want to modify it.

Pirate Praveen Sat 17 Dec 2016 10:36AM
Ah it seems the image they expect is 704px × 440px and not square.
Jakob Fri 16 Dec 2016 10:14AM
I think this should also be on the leftside menu, most of us let the Poddery cookie stay where other cookies must go :) So you mostly see the stream-page. It is not at all to much to ask for some donations. It could even be there permanently. I would not mind doing new designs for the changing seasons.
Jakob Fri 16 Dec 2016 4:59PM
Unintentional it could also be Cthulhu...
Forgot to do this: @praveenarimbrathod
Julius · Sat 10 Dec 2016 8:40PM
Hi everybody, finally figured out how to get to loomio page.
I just wanted to say that this is a season in a large part of the World when people are really in the mood to make donations. I should have said something sooner, it just didn't occur to me. This is relatively important because if it reaches the right people it could make the money to run for the year, so delaying too long is NOT a good idea.
I would suggest this seasonal (or some seasonal) message be placed on the Poddery User's landing page. It's ok to ask people who use the service to give something, if one is too passive nothing will happen. Being direct at this time of year is very reasonable.