December: season of donations, we should add a prominent notice on the homepage/sidebar

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 554

@julius2 suggested this,
Something like: "Life without Please Donate."

Ideas? @abhijithb21 can you update the front page?


Jakob Sat 17 Dec 2016 10:42AM

Hey, the image is not really an svg. just a high res. bitmap with the text. I can share the bitmap and then others can put text on it.

As for the new height:width ratio I will make it right away. But could you suggest the text. I would like to space and edit the text itself so it looks better.


Jakob Sat 17 Dec 2016 10:51AM

Here is the bitmap in double size. 880 x 1408 px. ups... is it a landscape format?


Pirate Praveen Sat 17 Dec 2016 11:08AM


Jakob Sat 17 Dec 2016 11:02AM

OK. Praveen @praveenarimbrathod

  1. I make a new one for the campaign banner. Is it ok with "Christmas fund-raiser," or could there be a better text?

  2. I think that we should also have one directly at the menu. People should see it, so they at least consider donating. It's only fair. I don't know what you say, but I can make one fast using the same image and text.


Pirate Praveen Sat 17 Dec 2016 11:10AM

Adding to sidebar or menu needs code changes. I'll try those. If anyone else who knows programming can try, that'd be better. @balasankarchelamat @nandajavarma @vamsee @anisha @shafeeqk


Jakob Sat 17 Dec 2016 11:15AM

Sure... Here it is 704 x 440 px. for the generosity page.

Write when you want one for the menu.


Pirate Praveen Sat 17 Dec 2016 11:26AM

Thanks! I have updated the generosity page. If anyone has any suggestions to update the campaign text, please suggest. Otherwise we can start promoting the fundraiser now.


Julius Sun 18 Dec 2016 10:26AM

Great work you guys. All looks really good and I completely agree with Jakob that it is on left side and permanent or semi-permanent. It is a gentle reminder that Poddery is not free (as in beer).


Julius Mon 19 Dec 2016 10:46AM

Hi everyone,

We got our first paypal Germany contribution today, a recurring monthly donation of 1EUR from France, so 12EUR/year. Every bit helps! It hasn't actually put in money yet but is set up for automatic monthly payment,

I wrote a thank you note, I assumed that would be nice, text below. Suggestions for future notes welcome, or if something like below is good:

Hi Jean-Luc,

Thank you for your contribution. From all of the people behind

Happy Holidays!



Julius Fri 7 Apr 2017 11:56AM

1st Quarter "take" from Poddery PayPal account. Overwhelming, Activity from start of account to 3/31 attached. As you can see Our French/Spanish connection donor quit after 2 "contributions".

What I don't understand is after all the discussion about this there is STILL no link on each user's LeftSide bar on stream page for making contributions, at least not on mine. Why hasn't that been done?


Pirate Praveen Sat 8 Apr 2017 11:36AM

Its just that no one had this as priority :( Thanks for sharing the report.


Julius Mon 28 Aug 2017 2:45PM

Hi all,

I've decided to leave poddery diaspora. Actually diaspora in general. I just find social media not my cup of tea I've decided.

The poddery paypal account I set up for donations, I've closed. So someone will need to remove the link to that paypal account if it is still used somewhere, otherwise any clicks on the link should just fail.

Attached is a screen shot of the "proceeds" from that account, 1.26EUR.

If you want it send me an email at otherwise I will spend it on a pack of gum.

Leaving Poddery is not a critic, you guys are great! I'm just tired of social media.



Pirate Praveen Tue 29 Aug 2017 11:57AM

Thanks for all your help. We'll do the needful. I think you can buy a pack of gum :)