Thu 28 Nov 2013 3:44PM

Ideas and tasks

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 16

The idea was suggested by Alok Dixit when I met him yesterday. He also offered his support by connecting us with volunteers of Save Your Voice Campaign against Internet Censorship and 66A of IT Act. Aseem Trivedi could also join us in the campaign to get some media attraction. The idea is to target small town news papers. We would be launching a crwod funding campaign to meet travel and accommodation expenses. Let me know if you would like to help out in any way. We will need to make write ups and promotional materials in local Indian languages and also people to take sessions in colleges.

The time of hoping big corporates would take care of our freedoms and privacy is over, it is time to build communication infrastructures ourselves. and has started it already. With, something we started in this direction. But we need to do more.

There is a role to be played by every one, techies like me can provide the technical know-how, but non-techies like journalists have even a bigger role to play if we want to see this adopted mainstream.

So we need people to help us reach these ideas to common people in easy to understand and local languages, we need good designers who can make striking posters and animations. Limit is only our imagination.

Niyam Bhushan:

Facebook became successful ONLY because it launched within a college, and attracted students from other colleges, and then the network grew from college to college. Hence the name Facebook. Little did anyone realize that college-students would soon graduate too, and friends of college-students wanted to join in too. The rest is history. So your best bet is to go from college to college across India and sign up hundreds of college-students en-masse venue-after-venue until you have millions of users. India has about 540 million people below the age of 35, so your chances of signing up say 25 million are pretty high. Let's make that our target, what say?

25 million Indians on Diaspora. Time-frame: 1 year.

Methodology: Host talks across colleges, universities, and institutes across India. Get leaders within the community to spread awareness and sign up even more students. Start a cascading effect.

regards niyiam


Pirate Praveen Fri 29 Nov 2013 8:40AM

Task 1: Lets translate in as many Indian Languages as possible.


Pirate Praveen Fri 29 Nov 2013 9:41AM

Diaspora discussion thread


Pirate Praveen Fri 29 Nov 2013 9:46AM


shirish Mon 2 Dec 2013 4:46PM

@Praveen please use a spellchecker before posting, one spelling mistake, it should be 'crowd-funding'


shirish Mon 2 Dec 2013 5:14PM

drats, can't seem to edit the the comment. Anyways, was looking at installation of diaspora and came across this RFP as well.

I'm sure there are quite a few more software that need to be packaged so sometime in future we just need to add a user and just say apt-get install diaspora and it should pull in all the packages that are needed from the repo. The only thing remaining would be the configuration that the user/admin would have to do.


Pirate Praveen Fri 13 Dec 2013 6:44AM

We got domain for the campaign


Pirate Praveen Sat 21 Dec 2013 12:10AM

Since diaspora community uses for events, we can also use the same platform for organizing our events. It will also strengthen the diaspora community.