International Centre for Free and Open Source Software

  • Identify and quantify the political, cultural and economic benefits for India as a result of FOSS. This would not just be restricted to software but also to issues like patents, copyright, digital content, scientific publishing etc.

  • Develop an action plan aimed at making India a global leader in the open source community

  • Leverage the open source development model based on community, collaboration and shared ownership of intellectual resources to bridge the digital divide

  • Create a road-map for open source software development for India's software export industry

  • Take the lead role in identifying technologies for different applications for the government, public enterprises, educational institutions, small business, individuals and other key sectors

  • Create infrastructure for support for FOSS based initiatives in different parts of the state, ensuring that any given project or intervention, in any part of the State, even a village is able to access IT support services

  • When required, ensure the development of software that addresses existing gaps that are obstacles for the widespread use of FOSS

  • Pilot FOSS based interventions in sectors such as governance, education, or local information publishing

  • Stimulate local employment through providing support services to FOSS based Virtual Micro-Enterprises (VMEs), so as to enable them to start, sustain and expand operations

  • Work with local, national and international institutions and networks working in the FOSS domain in order to share experiences and to learn from one other