Project Idea: bring heartbeat to Android

Currently heartbeat is available only for Mac OS X We should bring it to Android so we all can use it.
See for a talk on heartbeat (it is peer to peer messaging app). We have to talk to Aral Balkan and see if he is ready to start Android port just yet. We should get 1-3 persons to work on this. Reply here if you are interested to work on it.

Pirate Praveen Thu 5 Jan 2017 8:33AM
Cool! Lets talk to Aral Balkan first.
Aarti Kashyap Fri 6 Jan 2017 4:02AM
I too am interested.
Prathamesh Mane Fri 6 Jan 2017 4:32AM
Me too

Pirate Praveen Thu 26 Jan 2017 11:14AM
@amarpreetsingha , @aartikashyap , @prathameshmane I have mailed Aral Balkan about his plan for Android port. Lets see what he replies.

Pirate Praveen Thu 26 Jan 2017 2:09PM
He replied,
At the moment, I am at the planning stages of the next iteration (which will be quite different and quite possibly cross-platform). Please keep an eye on what we’re doing and let’s talk again when we’re closer to that goal.
In the meanwhile, however, I do want to port Better’s ( content blocking rules to other platforms, including Android. Right now they’re in WebKit content blocker format and it would be great to create a project that would translate WebKit content blocker rules to uBlock Origin format so that they could be ported to other platforms.
Is this something you would be interested in helping with?
So porting heartbeat to Android has to wait, are interested in this other project? If yes, reply to Aral.
amarpreetsingha · Thu 5 Jan 2017 3:07AM
I am interested.