Manifest text application,
Take up in our Manifesto, corrections are welcome.
We Pirates support Antifachists in peacefull protest.
We will allways do our best to fight against Racism peacefully.
Discrimmination is not tolerated in any way.
michael john sinclair. Wed 27 Nov 2019 5:02PM
Yes that is part of the anti fachist movement.
michael john sinclair. Wed 27 Nov 2019 5:03PM
But it is much bigger than antifa^^

pirate king Wed 27 Nov 2019 5:22PM
I am unsure how to endorse an organisation if they do both peaceful and violent protests.
Would support for peaceful protests get translated into endorsing their violent protests as well?
michael john sinclair. Thu 28 Nov 2019 7:18AM
Non violent protests only,

Pirate Praveen Sat 30 Nov 2019 3:54PM
@michael john sinclair. can you share more context (probably articles, news items that covers these activities)?
michael john sinclair. Sun 1 Dec 2019 9:16PM
That would be a Huge amount of Content^^ there are NGOs that have been around since WWII who openley fight againt Fachists,
michael john sinclair. Sun 1 Dec 2019 9:17PM
They were mostley founded by people who survived Nazi concentration Camps.
pirate king · Wed 27 Nov 2019 4:57PM
By antifaschists, do you mean antifa?