Tue 10 Oct 2017 4:05PM

Donate to The Wire

J joice Public Seen by 396

I think it is unnecessary to describe all the controversies about the wire around this week on article on Amit Shah and Co.
The author, rohini singh is suffering targeted attack both from keyboard and away from keyboard.
Siddarth Varadarajan, Editor of the wire requested to support them to fight legally against them.
What is your thoughts ?


joice Tue 10 Oct 2017 4:10PM

Here is Kavitha Krishnan's comment -

Rohini singh's statement [video] -


Akhilesh Jamdar Fri 20 Oct 2017 6:29PM

I've asked them to accept Bitcoin as a donation method. Political donations can remain anonymous but donations to journalists require pancard details, this is not justified.


Karthikeyan A K Sat 21 Oct 2017 9:00AM

Political donations can remain anonymous but donations to journalists require pancard details

That's a stupid anti democratic rule against freedom of press.