Sun 11 Feb 2024 5:39PM

Make a page for 2024 focused action that allows people to volunteer

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 104

I think we should create a page like with this content

and will allow people to volunteer for us. We have to make some focused effort and try to get 10-20 new volunteers or collectives through this campaign and grow from there.


Poll Created Sun 11 Feb 2024 5:43PM

Would you volunteer to make a page with a form for getting volunteers? Closed Mon 26 Feb 2024 6:00PM

by Pirate Praveen Mon 26 Feb 2024 6:48PM

We have made a shorter link to the volunteer campaign directly on our website

What is the team, working group or event you are inviting people to?

We need a page to get volunteers to campaign on our 2024 strategy.

Why is this important?

We have to organize people and bring focus to our activities instead of remaining disappointed or angry or sad.

What are you asking people to do?

Someone to make a webpage with a form that anyone can fill and join us. We could also offer a volunteer poll in for people who are already in as well. We will need their contact phone and email so we can connect with them and plan.

Select 'Accept' to participate!


Results Option Voters
Accept 1 SV
Decline 0  
Undecided 195 V K A D K S CMJ S F RD MS RS P A PJ M J A S C

1 of 196 people have participated (0%)


Pirate Praveen Fri 16 Feb 2024 11:58AM


Ravi Dwivedi Mon 19 Feb 2024 5:52PM

Tomorrow (20th Feb 2024), we are having a meeting for discussing further on it at 16:00 hours Indian time here . Feel free to join.


Pirate Praveen Tue 20 Feb 2024 9:46AM

So the goal of the campaign is to find people who agree with this premise 1. Our democracy and constitution is unlikely to withstand a third term for BJP - I agree checkbox 2. I am willing to dedicate --- hours over next 3 months to camapign to defeat BJP in 2024 general elections. My contact details (email, phone, xmpp, mastodon). I'm willing to share my name/photo on this campaign webpage - yes/no. If yes, share photo.


Ravi Dwivedi Tue 20 Feb 2024 12:45PM


Pirate Praveen Tue 20 Feb 2024 1:57PM

We have reached the first milestone of 5 volunteers, and next target is reaching 10 volunteers. Please volunteer and share the link (share the link only if you volunteer).


Pirate Praveen Sun 25 Feb 2024 10:45PM

We will be meeting at 10 pm Feb 26th at to work on the campaign web page and plan other activities, like building a FAQ about the campaign/politics/Indian Pirates.


Pirate Praveen Wed 28 Feb 2024 8:00PM

We will be meeting again on 29th Feb at 10 pm to continue fine tuning the campaign page and working on other campaign materials like an FAQ. We can share the link if anyone wants to join in.


Pirate Praveen Wed 28 Feb 2024 8:02PM

We have already live got some 32 submissions already.