Sun 14 Feb 2021 7:14PM

Abdication of judicial duties in arrest of Disha Ravi remand

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 37

We'd like to echo the words of Senior Adv Rebecca Mammen John on Disha Ravi remand.

"Deeply disappointed by the conduct of the Duty Magistrate, Patiala House court, who remanded a young women to five days police custody, without first ensuring she was represented by counsel. Magistrates must take their duties of remand seriously and ensure the mandate of Article 22 of the constitution is scrupulously followed. If the accused was not being represented by counsel at the time of the hearing, the magistrate should have waited till her counsel arrived or in the alternate, provided her with legal aid. Were the case diaries and arrest memo examined? Did the magistrate ask the Special cell why she was being produced directly from Bangalore without a transit remand from Bangalore courts? All in all shocking abdication of judicial duties."


Poll Created Sun 14 Feb 2021 7:15PM

Publish this statement: Abdication of judicial duties in arrest of Disha Ravi remand Closed Wed 17 Feb 2021 7:00PM

by Pirate Praveen Thu 18 Feb 2021 8:26AM

We can publish it on our website. Requested here

We'd like to echo the words of Senior Adv Rebecca Mammen John on Disha Ravi remand.

"Deeply disappointed by the conduct of the Duty Magistrate, Patiala House court, who remanded a young women to five days police custody, without first ensuring she was represented by counsel. Magistrates must take their duties of remand seriously and ensure the mandate of Article 22 of the constitution is scrupulously followed. If the accused was not being represented by counsel at the time of the hearing, the magistrate should have waited till her counsel arrived or in the alternate, provided her with legal aid. Were the case diaries and arrest memo examined? Did the magistrate ask the Special cell why she was being produced directly from Bangalore without a transit remand from Bangalore courts? All in all shocking abdication of judicial duties."

More comments we want to echo,

"Greta Thunberg protest against climate change began outside Swedish Parliament. It was about holding politicians of her country accountable. Sweden did not arrest her, they made her a global icon. Disha's misfortune is that she lives in a time & a country that has failed its youth." DivyaET

N.C. Asthana, a retired IPS officer, who has been DGP Kerala and a long-time ADG CRPF and BSF writes in The Wire.

"Beyond the official hysteria and the media’s hype, the toolkit merely calls for mobilising opinion through social media, sharing solidarity photo/video messages, signing petitions and emails, etc. It also calls for a tweetstorm. This means a series of related tweets posted by a Twitter user in quick succession. None of these steps is an offence. Moreover, since it speaks of solidarity protests at or near Indian embassies, it suggests that the toolkit was designed primarily for foreigners or people living outside India."

Updates: 15 Feb 4:38 pm: Added comment by Divya ET

15 Feb 10:32 pm: Added comment by N.C. Asthana.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 5 EN A PV A PP
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 176 V A D K DU S CMJ DU S F RD MS RS DU S MK SK NV BC FGP

5 of 181 people have participated (2%)


Mon 15 Feb 2021 4:19AM

Political arrests need to be transparent and the court has the responsibility to bring in that transparency.


Pirate Praveen Sun 14 Feb 2021 7:16PM

Though it seems quite normal for courts to abdicate responsibilities now.


Akshay Mon 15 Feb 2021 5:09AM

This tweet: gave me the realization that this duty magistrate is probably a UPSC officer who is generally considered as "cream".


Kannan V M Tue 16 Feb 2021 7:38AM

I agree with this, we do not know if the duty magistrate was pressurized or not. The voice should be raised against those who planned and ordered this.


Pirate Praveen Tue 16 Feb 2021 7:54AM

Propose amendments to current draft if you'd like to add something more.


Poll Created Wed 24 Feb 2021 9:47AM

Update the statement with these quotes Closed Sat 27 Feb 2021 10:00AM

by Pirate Praveen Sat 27 Feb 2021 11:33AM

We can update the statement, requested here

"In a civilised democracy, the strong remarks of the Delhi high court against the govt action on Disha Ravi would have led to calls for the resignation of the Home Minister. No such luck here" Ajay43 on twitter.

"We're running so low on hope that our idea of justice is bail pleas." ranjona on twitter

Add these images as a call to action "Be political".


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 4 EN AR PB PP
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 179 V A D K DU S CMJ DU S F RD MS RS P A DU S MK SK NV

4 of 183 people have participated (2%)


Pirate Bady
Fri 26 Feb 2021 5:25AM

i missed to vote on the previous proposal, so stating my agreement with both of the proposals here.