Wed 10 Feb 2021 3:59PM

Publish Mahua Moitra's speech on our website

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 36

Poll Created Wed 10 Feb 2021 4:42PM

‘Truth in The Darkest Hour’: Mahua Moitra’s Fiery Speech in Lok Sabha (add as a statement on our website) Closed Sat 13 Feb 2021 4:00PM

by Pirate Praveen Sat 13 Feb 2021 4:52PM

Created a second draft including suggestions by @Riya Sawant

Some highlights of the speech (thanks to,

  • Arresting, Attacking & Repressing our voices will not hold.

  • If indeed this government cares so much for persecuted Hindus why does it miss deadline after deadline to notify CAA rules?

  • The “courage” to announce a national lockdown at 4 hrs notice causing untold misery, countless deaths.

  • The farm laws have firmly established this government’s motto of “brutality over morality”.

  • The sacred cow that was the judiciary is no longer sacred. It stopped being sacred day a sitting CJI was accused of sexual harassment, presided over own trial, cleared himself & accepted a nomination to Upper House within 3 months of retirement replete with Z+ security cover.

  • The judiciary stopped being sacred when it led migrants walk to their deaths, let our greatest activists rot in jail and today it is a mute spectator when our young are prosecuted for cracking a joke.

  • But this government has miscalculated. There is a fundamental difference between cowardice & courage. The coward is brave only when armed with power & authority. The truly courageous can fight even when unarmed.

  • Netaji told us to have faith in India’s destiny. And it is not India’s destiny to be ruled by cowards. The time has come for all of us to show true courage.

Video of full speech

Text excerpts from the speech highlighting important points


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 80.0% 4 EN PK PB PP
Abstain 20.0% 1 RS
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 174 V A D K DU S CMJ DU S F MS DU S MK SK NV BC FGP AR AK

5 of 179 people have participated (2%)


Riya Sawant
Thu 11 Feb 2021 5:10PM

The speech is very good. However, I think we have to be careful about promoting people in power. Their actions have to be scrutinized. See for example this report from yesterday:


Pirate Praveen Thu 11 Feb 2021 5:54PM

@Riya Sawant would you agree if add a disclaimer that her party also suppress dissent (with a link to this article) and this is not an endorsement of the West Bengal government or TMC?


Poll Created Sat 13 Feb 2021 4:50PM

‘Truth in The Darkest Hour’: Mahua Moitra’s Fiery Speech in Lok Sabha (add as a statement on our website) - Draft 2 Closed Tue 16 Feb 2021 5:00PM

by Pirate Praveen Thu 18 Feb 2021 8:37AM

We can publish it on our website, requested at

Some highlights of the speech (thanks to,

  • Arresting, Attacking & Repressing our voices will not hold.

  • If indeed this government cares so much for persecuted Hindus why does it miss deadline after deadline to notify CAA rules?

  • The “courage” to announce a national lockdown at 4 hrs notice causing untold misery, countless deaths.

  • The farm laws have firmly established this government’s motto of “brutality over morality”.

  • The sacred cow that was the judiciary is no longer sacred. It stopped being sacred day a sitting CJI was accused of sexual harassment, presided over own trial, cleared himself & accepted a nomination to Upper House within 3 months of retirement replete with Z+ security cover.

  • The judiciary stopped being sacred when it led migrants walk to their deaths, let our greatest activists rot in jail and today it is a mute spectator when our young are prosecuted for cracking a joke.

  • But this government has miscalculated. There is a fundamental difference between cowardice & courage. The coward is brave only when armed with power & authority. The truly courageous can fight even when unarmed.

  • Netaji told us to have faith in India’s destiny. And it is not India’s destiny to be ruled by cowards. The time has come for all of us to show true courage.

Video of full speech

Text excerpts from the speech highlighting important points

Disclaimer: The speech is very good and relevant. However, her own party (All India Trinamool Congress) is no different when it comes to suppressing dissent in West Bengal. See for example this recent news report.

We oppose all such governments which suppress dissent and peaceful protest through police violence.

Draft 2 changes: Added a disclaimer about Mahua Moitra's party (TMC) also suppressing dissent with violence as suggested by @Riya Sawant .


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 75.0% 3 EN PV PP
Abstain 25.0% 1 A
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 177 V A D K DU S CMJ DU S F RD MS RS DU S MK SK NV BC FGP

4 of 181 people have participated (2%)


Mon 15 Feb 2021 4:17AM

I think the disclaimer is a good idea. I'm not sure if that'd be enough if this was a person from a party I didn't agree with. But I don't know anything about this party. So abstaining.