Fri 29 Sep 2023 11:07AM

Organizing Software Freedom Camp 2023

VK Vinay Keshava Public Seen by 32

Every year we conduct Software Freedom Camp, get to meet new people introduce them to free software and its philosophy and make them get started to contribute to various free software projects,with the help of mentors in association with other communities, like an online mentorship programme.

This help's in outreach'ing for the community,also few of them join the community.

We should also conduct the camp this year too.


Vinay Keshava Wed 25 Oct 2023 11:53AM


Ravish Sat 11 Nov 2023 11:07PM

Its high time we need this camp, sign me up, let's get to those students who understands freedom and knows freedom matters above all.


Ravi Dwivedi Sun 12 Nov 2023 3:53PM

I think we can also involve funding. Last two years, the camp didn't work out well. Stipend for learners (maybe mentors too?) might help and that way we can aim for a diversity camp. As for the methods where the funding might come from, we can check if there are some grants we can apply for. Thinking of asking LibreOffice if they can provide stipend for working on their project as a part of the camp.

Any other ideas?


Ravi Dwivedi Thu 16 Nov 2023 11:13AM

Hi all, we have a meeting on 18th November 2023 to discuss about this. Attached is the calendar invite.

Date and time: 18th Nov,Saturday 7:30 to 8:30pm



Vinay Keshava Sat 18 Nov 2023 4:56PM

Minutes of Meeting dated 18th November,2023

Tentative Date for Camp - January First week

1. Sponsors:

  • Contact FOSS United, Libreoffice & Debian and Deeproot for sponsors

  • Debian-DPL/Outreach team

  • FOSS United - Vishal Arya for Sponsorship | Partnership & Association | Fund a meet

  • OSM's sponsors kerala sahya

  • Amount to request for sponsorship

  • Fund Specific projects - helping sponsors know which projects are getting contributions

2. Drawbacks from the camp

  • Less people contributed

  • Organize Physical Meetup: with learners 

3.Outreach and Partnerships 

  • Contact FOSS clubs Colleges 

  • Mention partners to take atleast one of the responsibilities like 

  • Publicity Team

  • Logistics Team

  • Mentoring Team ( atleat One project per Organization)

  • Sponsorship Team

4. Projects

  • - FSCI crowdfunding campaign

  • -approach KITE 

5. Others

  • Charge this year also a small fee for registration,

  • Charge fee for the meetup too, which is open for public 

  • Switch to FormBricks

  • Identify specific projects for opencollective funding

  • Common page for previous year camp's in a single page

  • Draft a proposal for sponsors