Fri 23 Aug 2024 11:04AM

Pick and fund a maps app

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 38

We need to pick one maps app from available apps - Pure Maps, GNOME Maps, osmin, Organic Maps. I think Pure Maps has the best features right now.


Pirate Praveen Fri 23 Aug 2024 11:06AM

Being able to use offline would be a crucial factor for many.


baarkerlounger Fri 23 Aug 2024 11:12AM

Organic maps being completely offline and the most actively developed and used would be a big plus but the Linux version is currently mostly a dev debugging tool and not particularly close in functionality to the android/ios apps.

Gnome maps being GTK based would be a big plus but I don't know how realistic adding turn-by-turn navigation is.

PureMaps is the most feature complete right now but also very sluggish on L5 and the UI doesn't seem optimised for it at all (very large/clunky)


Poll Created Fri 23 Aug 2024 7:35PM

Which gps app should we pick to have best gps experience? You have until Mon 23 Sep 2024 6:30PM to participate.

What is this poll about?

We need to pick an app that can give us the best gps / navigation experience.

Why is this important?

All available options seems to have some drawbacks and we need to pool our limited resources to support a single app. You will still be able to support your favorite app individually.

What are you asking people to do?

Pick one app to support as a community so we can have the best experience sooner.

Vote by ranking the options in order of your preference. The option that ranks first in the results wins.

Current results

Current results Option Rank % of points Points Mean
Organic Maps 1 23.0% 111 4.8
GNOME Maps 2 22.4% 108 4.7
Pure Maps 3 20.9% 101 4.4
osmin 4 15.1% 73 3.2
GPS pass through for Waydroid 5 9.7% 47 2.0
mepo 6 8.9% 43 1.9
Undecided 0% 0 0

23 of 30 people have participated (76%)


Pirate Praveen Fri 23 Aug 2024 7:35PM

1 - Organic Maps
2 - GNOME Maps
3 - GPS pass through for Waydroid
4 - Pure Maps
5 - osmin
6 - mepo

GPS pass through to waydroid is possible by modifying images but will need high spec phones (works well in pinetab2 or flx1 but not in pinephone or Librem 5).


Twiddling Scientist Mon 26 Aug 2024 5:41PM

1 - Pure Maps
2 - GNOME Maps
3 - Organic Maps
4 - osmin
5 - mepo
6 - GPS pass through for Waydroid

I use Pure Maps often and it works well. Offline is a must, battery won't survive if you have to keep a network connection open. GNOME would be best long run, maybe. Organic Maps has a lot of active development on Android and iOS, it would be excellent if that could be leveraged on mobile Linux. I do not have experience w/ osmin or mepo. I dislike having to keep Waydroid around.


Badri Sunderarajan Tue 27 Aug 2024 5:26AM

@Twiddling Scientist do you experience any "UI issues" with Pure Maps (as mentioned in the choice description)? Are they major or more like quirks that can be easily fixed?


Twiddling Scientist Tue 27 Aug 2024 5:56AM

@Badri Sunderarajan No, for me the UI is perfectly fine. Granted, it's not GTK, so it stands out, but I find that "stable" and "functional" on mobile Linux trump pretty much everything else at the moment 😅


Badri Sunderarajan Fri 23 Aug 2024 7:35PM

1 - GNOME Maps
2 - Organic Maps
3 - Pure Maps
4 - mepo
5 - osmin
6 - GPS pass through for Waydroid

Keeping GPS pass through last because it's either already working (FLX1) or inconvenient for other reasons (Librem 5 and PinePhone have too low RAM to run Waydroid properly).

Since our environment is GNOME based I'm preferring the GTK option, which will blend in the best. Organic Maps and Pure Maps both use QT and need UI improvements. Pure Maps may need less work to start, but with Organic Maps, in the long run, adding features will pay off by adding them to multiple platforms.


Badri Sunderarajan Tue 27 Aug 2024 5:21AM

If we go with GNOME maps I'm guessing the first priority would be to add offline map support. The repo has some discussion related to that but I don't know if any work is being done yet...


Bart Louwers Sun 1 Sep 2024 9:53PM

1 - Organic Maps
2 - Pure Maps
3 - GNOME Maps
4 - osmin
5 - mepo
6 - GPS pass through for Waydroid

Definitely use something that makes use of vector tiles and real-time rendered maps. Anything else is just not good from a UX perspective.

Hacking something together with MapLibre Native may also be a good option. We have support for GLFW but you can also use Qt on Linux. You need to use a tile provider or host your own tiles.

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