Fri 23 Aug 2024 11:04AM

Pick and fund a maps app

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 41

We need to pick one maps app from available apps - Pure Maps, GNOME Maps, osmin, Organic Maps. I think Pure Maps has the best features right now.


David Heidelberg Mon 2 Sep 2024 1:08AM

1 - GNOME Maps
2 - GPS pass through for Waydroid
3 - Organic Maps
4 - Pure Maps
5 - osmin
6 - mepo

While GNOME Maps lacks offline mode (for now), it's very nicely integrated into Linux ecosystem and I see lot of potential here.

As a second I chose GPS pass throught, because there will be emulated apps (let say Taxi services for example), which will need it.

Organic Maps is great on Android though that can be handled with GPS pass.


hello_fellow_humans Tue 3 Sep 2024 11:09AM

1 - GNOME Maps
2 - GPS pass through for Waydroid
3 - Pure Maps
4 - osmin
5 - Organic Maps
6 - mepo

As I hope we can all agree, a smooth UI is of utmost importance when dealing with mobile platforms. As such I suggest gnome maps as the in my experience it lacks only turn by turn navigation before I could be daily driven; at least for my use cases.

I think easy Waydroid GPS pass through should also be a high priority since its usefulness extends past basic navigation and to things like Uber and pokemonGO among others.


Tristan Wed 4 Sep 2024 4:20AM

1 - Organic Maps
2 - osmin
3 - Pure Maps
4 - GNOME Maps
5 - mepo
6 - GPS pass through for Waydroid

Organic Maps is already capable of offline maps/routing (with some minor paper-cuts). I would prioritize offline usage since I consider storage space to be inexpensive and online connectivity only solves two problems, A) removes the need for large downloads (which I don't think is more important than simple keeping things offline) and B) enabled hive-mind style routing (A feature I don't think is feasible beyond big tech companies and is contrary to privacy which I suspect most users here want)


Mike Wed 4 Sep 2024 6:09PM

1 - osmin
2 - GNOME Maps
3 - mepo
4 - Pure Maps
5 - Organic Maps
6 - GPS pass through for Waydroid

I have only used osmin on the PinePhonePro. Once it is configured, it is fast. I have not used navigation yet. GPS is found within 1 second after opening the app.

Device: PinePhonePro (Daily driver)

OS: DanctNIX Arch with Phosh


Richard Booth Thu 5 Sep 2024 7:39AM

1 - Pure Maps
2 - GNOME Maps
3 - Organic Maps
4 - osmin
5 - mepo
6 - GPS pass through for Waydroid

Everything works already for Pure Maps so perhaps the best to work with and improve. But Gnome Maps is also nice, but without key features, offline and turn-by-turn navigation.


magdesign Wed 4 Sep 2024 11:18AM

1 - Pure Maps
2 - Organic Maps
3 - mepo
4 - osmin
5 - GNOME Maps
6 - GPS pass through for Waydroid

Pure Maps is nearly perfect already, finishing the last missing pieces are:
- import and display a gpx track as a colored line
- show names of bigger cities on more zoomed out levels
- combine search and amenities into search
- cycling paths overlay/layout

OrganicMaps is amazingly good, when this could be ported to linux everything would be solved.

Mepo has big potential and needs support, even if it uses a unique/weird programing language and is super buggy it has a high potential level.


alevix Fri 6 Sep 2024 5:12AM

1 - Organic Maps
2 - Pure Maps
3 - GNOME Maps
4 - osmin
5 - mepo
6 - GPS pass through for Waydroid

full disclaimer: i do not currently use any real gnu tools outside of termux, and i understand organic maps sadly uses apache license (but none of them use agpl/fupl anyway).

in my head, the other options don't come even close to organic for 1 simple reason: they will never be available on ios and android. and i want all my friends to use the same map, so we can easily share locations.

and ux matters a lot to me.

also keep in mind the devs will love the support:


alevix Fri 6 Sep 2024 6:24AM

i have tried many, virtually all maps on android, and honestly i never saw a trulyᵗᵐ free one as good as organic. i use it instead of google for everything.

it does miss photos, reviews, street view, and such other features that might still take a long time before the free community will make it real, if ever, routing for over 100km do take a long time, and navigation might never include traffic information, but i also never really use gmaps by myself anymore, as i rather feel like i live away from traffic, distant from big cities, and enjoying the serendipity of finding places closed or unexpected things.

i just need a map that help me navigate outside (i don't even have any big computers such as a laptop ever since 2019), and organic has done it wonderfully. from what i read about the alternatives, they don't come even close.

i wished they all simply could collaborate among themselves into 1 app only!


Silmathoron Fri 13 Sep 2024 1:34PM

1 - Organic Maps
2 - Pure Maps
3 - GNOME Maps
4 - osmin
5 - mepo
6 - GPS pass through for Waydroid

I really love how OrganicMaps handle things and KDE has tools to build for Android so I think porting the app could be really interesting and reduce maintenance cost if done properly.
I also prefer the Plasma Mobile interface so in the long run I'm more interested in a Qt than GTK version; since the Qt-based apps currently also have the most features, I put both of them on top.


Marius Thu 29 Aug 2024 8:04AM

1 - GNOME Maps
2 - Organic Maps
3 - osmin
4 - Pure Maps
5 - mepo
6 - GPS pass through for Waydroid

Organic maps already works quite well in the android app container of FLX1 (a waydroid fork), therefore I don't see a large benefit of porting it in contrast to improving Gnome Maps to add missing features and improve performance (quite slow since switching to vector based with v47). pure maps is a lot slower on my FLX1 and has a strange and not very beautiful UI, I can't understand right now why it currently ranks so highly.

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