Make world class education accessible to more students

There is a government school at Nadakavu in Kozhikode district of Kerala, which was upgraded to world standards with efforts from local MLA and charities.
I think we should join such efforts to raise quality of government schools everywhere. If you are interested in such a campaign, please comment here. If you think there are better ways of doing things, you can start such campaigns and we will also evaluate if there are better campaigns than what you propose.
This is a good opportunity to make people aware about good quality education as an important ingredient to a good quality life. This will give us a chance to interact and learn from wider sections of society and they can enrich our understanding and perspectives by joining us.
This will not be an easy campaign, and it is going to involve a lot of money, we'll have to work with other agencies, organizations and the wider society.

Pirate Praveen Mon 23 Mar 2015 7:48AM
@akshay are you suggesting rural schools don't need any infrastructure at all?

Akshay Mon 23 Mar 2015 7:56AM
Just being an effective altruist.
Computerising schools that are not computer equipped is needed.
Akhilesh Jamdar Fri 15 May 2015 11:08AM
If you guys have any books which you've finished reading, you could donate them to people who don't have the privilege of reading them. I do it sometimes.
Akshay · Mon 23 Mar 2015 7:31AM
Does education improve when infrastructure is improved? Sure it could attract students.
I like to think of solutions focussed directly on improving the methods of teaching/learning.
For example, in rural schools of Mysore, I've directly observed that even when computers are available, they're ill used.