Create an Inclusion Policy for FSCI

I would like to suggest to create an Inclusion Policy so as to make our community more welcoming to everyone.

Poll Created Fri 12 Apr 2024 3:42PM
Amend CoC to prevent people from defending and promoting proprietary software Closed Fri 3 May 2024 3:00PM
This proposal failed to gain consensus. 4 people including a permanent member blocked the proposal.
What is the decision you need to make?
In view of the recent discussions in the XMPP/Matrix group regarding WhatsApp, we need to make a policy to avoid repeating a similar situation in future.
Why is this important?
The environment of the group become heated and some people eventually leave when they cannot participate normally without pressure.
What are you asking people to do?
I suggest we add the following to CoC.
Insert a new section before 7. In case of problems and move that to 8. In case of problems and add
Promoting/Defending proprietary software like WhatsApp
Since we are coming together on the basis of a common agreement that Free Software is good and being Free Software is important, when people defend or promote proprietary software like WhatsApp can create tension and repeated arguments can make people uncomfortable. So we should warn people from defending or promoting any proprietary software on our forums. If they don't stop this behavior after a warning is issued, tougher actions like a ban can be considered. Any such decision will need agreement from at least two moderators and no disagreement from any moderator.
At the same time we may have people who are new to Free Software joining from time to time. So we need a place for them to discuss on the merits of Free Software. So new people may question Free Software or defend proprietary software in Matrix/XMPP/IRC for two days and then continue the debate on for 7 days.
For this proposal to pass, we need all of members participating to vote Agree. In case we fail to get consensus, this will be moved to permanent members sub group.
If you Disagree, say why and what needs to change for you to Agree.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 36.4% | 4 |
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Abstain | 27.3% | 3 |
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Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 36.4% | 4 |
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Undecided | 0% | 250 |
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11 of 261 people have participated (4%)

Pirate Praveen
Fri 12 Apr 2024 3:42PM
I think this is a balanced proposal that allows some kind of questioning from new people without having to defend Free Software all the time.

Fri 12 Apr 2024 3:42PM
I think one of the core projects of a free software community is to share the news of why proprietary software harms freedoms and convince people. Explicitly outlawing such people from articulating their differences makes it look like we are weak. But at the same time, it is completely acceptable to set boundaries we wish for the psychological safety of our community members. I'm equal minded and therefore abstaining.

Arya K
Fri 12 Apr 2024 3:42PM
This is purely an attempt to censor and silence opinions against you. Even if the user isn't in agreement with you, it doesn't mean he deserves to be banned for the thought crime of supporting proprietary software

Pirate Praveen Fri 12 Apr 2024 5:02PM
@Arya K we are not expected to provide a platform for people opposing us to express their ideas. They are free to build their own platforms to express their ideas. Our group is created with an aim to promote Free Software. Do you think a political party is expected to create a stage, arrange mike, bring all their supporters and invite their opponent to speak? We are not opposing their right to express in their own forums or in personal spaces. FSCI discussion groups are not like Twitter or Mastodon, it is created for collaboration on shared values and interests.

Pirate Praveen Fri 12 Apr 2024 5:05PM
@Arya K Do you think Microsoft should allow us to talk about Free Software in their office conference hall and invite all employees to listen to a talk by RMS? If they don't do this are they suppressing Free Speech?

Akshay Fri 12 Apr 2024 5:08PM
@Pirate Praveen like this?

Pirate Praveen Fri 12 Apr 2024 5:12PM
@Akshay I did not know about this, but by extension, all other proprietary companies that did not invite RMS, say Adobe or Meta, is now censoring Free Software? On the contrary, if RMS went uninvited and was refused entry, does that prove Microsoft is censoring?

Akshay Fri 12 Apr 2024 5:17PM
@Pirate Praveen @Arya K I don't believe in the "free speech" argument. Freedom of speech applies in a democracy (like India, USA, etc). In organizations, groups, etc which are formed for a purpose, speech can and must be curtailed towards the realization of the goals. This is the same reason why a CoC exists — to tell people what kind of conduct (including speech) is unacceptable. But on the other hand, if the argument is "diversity of thought" that's an argument that I support very much. As in the example of Microsoft & RMS. Being able to listen to a diverse set of views is an amazing strength.

Pirate Praveen Fri 12 Apr 2024 5:19PM
@Akshay don't you think, inviting someone and listening is a different thing that keeping the door open for anyone to come and talk whatever they want?

Akshay Fri 12 Apr 2024 5:30PM
@Pirate Praveen Yes, but if you say Arya Kiran is talking about inviting people, your analogy is broken.

Pirate Praveen Fri 12 Apr 2024 5:36PM
@Akshay Keeping the door open is a bigger action than inviting someone. So how is the analogy broken? If you are not even open to invite someone to talk at a specific time and place, then you won't be keeping the door open either for anyone to come and talk any time. What Microsoft did is a good thing, I don't disagree. But is Microsoft or every proprietary company expected to do it? And are they censoring if they did not invite RMS? I think you took the analogy to a different level by sharing that photo.

Snehal Shekatkar
Fri 12 Apr 2024 3:42PM
The user bvul5 because of whom this poll has started has been very successful in dividing the community and making it look like a free speech issue as @Arya K thinks it is. If you follow messages on the group going back two days, you will realize that at least three members, myself included, were insisting that disagreement wasn't the main issue but that the user wasn't following reasonable chat etiquettes.

Fri 12 Apr 2024 3:42PM
As others have said, staying open to criticism is important. Those who disagree may come to agree and are therefore potential allies - thus, we should not block them for having different perspectives, but only as long as they are willing to participate in a constructive discussion (or be quiet spectators). Repeatedly parroting one's beliefs and ignoring/mocking/talking past others' questions/responses is antithetical to constructive discussion, and that is what the rules should focus on.

Snehal Shekatkar Sat 13 Apr 2024 6:20AM
@Arya K Imagine somebody simply posting things and making claims without engaging in any meaningful conversation. Would that be an issue of silencing opinions?

Pirate Bady Sat 13 Apr 2024 10:49AM
i'm sorry to see such a proposal which seems fundamentally very wrong to me. i kindly request those who support this not to take any of my arguments/opinions personally.
as someone who has gone through the recent discussions in FSCI matrix/xmpp room, what i infer is that the problem is not with promoting whatsapp (or proprietary software in general) but the way it is done. it can happen with any other discussions regardless of the topic, for eg. tomorrow someone may come and keep saying that a free software application X is bad without properly responding to any attempts to refute their claims. so will we amend our CoC again to prevent people from degrading free software?
the alleged person's discussions which led to this proposal had elements which resemble the patterns used by trolls. @fugata had already pointed this out in a thread here. honestly, at that time, i was still in favor of giving them benefit of doubt. but later i found out that they kept following that pattern which could've been used as a reason to ban them for "sustained disruption of discussion". not trying to blame anyone here as i wasn't also able to interfere on time then.
why i see this as fundamentally wrong is when i look at it from a broader perspective. we're living in a time when hate, intolerance and othering is used in a large scale like never before, which is especially true in a country like ours that stands out as bad example for how to handle dissent. FSCI is a public group which follows democratic decision-making (such as the current proposal being discussed). as such a group, i believe we can do better. @Snehal Shekatkar already mentioned that "disagreement wasn't the main issue". a proposal like this which tries to silence dissent gives a very wrong message.
free software philosophy is based on sharing and caring. i believe it thrives in an environment that nurtures love and kindness. let's be nice to each other, be kind as long as there's enough room for it. i'm more in favor of blocking this proposal, but it's a form of using power. instead of that, i'd like to see if we can talk this out without dismissing the concerns raised.

Snehal Shekatkar Sat 13 Apr 2024 11:01AM
@Pirate Bady I agree with the overall stand. I would also change my vote and block this proposal if @Pirate Praveen admits that disagreement wasn't the main issue that started the whole thing. It is most unfortunate that @Ravi Dwivedi @fugata and myself tried very hard to convince Praveen about this, but he somehow thinks that having these changes to the CoC would stop such behavior. And I hope @bvul also admits their mistake and agrees to refrain from trolling in their future posts. If this happens, I would be more than happy to join the XMPP room again.

Fri 12 Apr 2024 3:42PM
disagree, This proposal is overbroad, speech restricting. It makes for closed mind and dogmatism. It is not about how this proposal was started(allegedly due to me arguing for whatsapp/ being continuous with it). It lacks the nuances of comparisons, (arguing due to better model, mis/dis-information, featureset, better particular features, for overall betterment of everyone. It forbids playing devil's advocate and introspection.

Pirate Praveen Sat 13 Apr 2024 2:27PM
@Snehal Shekatkar my point is, the fundamental disagreement about value of Free Software in ensuring privacy, means any number of questioning was not going to resolve the difference or make both side happy with the explanation. Any further debate would only result in repeating the arguments. This is what I observed and hence I suggested we move that debate to which has a different pace and visibility/filtering options.

Pirate Praveen Sat 13 Apr 2024 2:31PM
@fugata I believe constructive discussion is not possible when there is a fundamental disagreement on the axioms and we can only say we agree to disagree. When one side believes Free Software is not necessary for privacy and another believes Free Software is essential for privacy, any discussion will not change the other person's mind after the arguments are laid out once.

Pirate Praveen Sat 13 Apr 2024 3:02PM
@Pirate Bady I believe the sustained disruption happened when people pushed for a different answer from bvul5 which was not going to happen any number of times the question was repeated. I don't think there was any other way for bvul5 to respond after making their position clear that they don't think Free Software is essential for privacy, for them WhatsApp being audited was enough. So I strongly think the reason why the discussion dragged on is because of a fundamental disagreement on basic axioms itself, which cannot be solved through etiquette. We will have to make a choice, which of those axioms we care about. Unless we pick a side, I don't think this dispute can be settled.

Pirate Praveen Sat 13 Apr 2024 3:14PM
@Pirate Bady the question is about setting limits to philosophies that are opposite to what we share as values. Do we want this to happen every day and every hour and bind us to giving explanations to every question? This group is like a stage and audience. Are we obligated to offer this stage and audience to people opposing our views? We are not saying defending WhatsApp should be banned, we are just saying we don't want to be debating that topic _all the time_, any time people choose to open it. Allowing new people to make this argument is like a balancing act, there may be points we missed, but we don't want only that debate happen all the time. So when do we tell someone to stop?

Pirate Praveen Sat 13 Apr 2024 3:16PM
@bvul the point is not about silencing you, you made your point and we want to allow new people to make this point. But should we allow them to repeat this in every thread? Should we allow people to hijack every discussion to be a discussion about merits of WhatsApp? Should we be forced to respond to this topic every single day?

Pirate Praveen Sat 13 Apr 2024 3:28PM
@Pirate Bady @fugata @Snehal Shekatkar feel free to make another proposal focusing on specific behavior. This proposal was based on my understanding of the problem and solution. As for this proposal, this won't pass if we fail to build consensus here or in permanent members sub group (kind of like a General Resolution) in Debian where only official members vote. This group is more like debian-devel and open to everyone, which is only good if we can get consensus. As for permanent members sub group, if we fail to make a consensus there too, each of us will have to make a tough decision - let go of it or try and make a new community with a specific choice on this question a part of its core values (just laying out the options on the table, not necessarily suggesting a fork). Like how Prav has chosen XMPP among XMPP vs Matrix vs Signal debate.

Snehal Shekatkar Sat 13 Apr 2024 3:45PM
@bvul So you want us to react to you everyday in the group? If you believe that WA is better then it is enough to discuss it for a day or two and stop it. You can't keep talking against people who believe in Free software repeatedly in a group meant to promote Free software. Moreover, you seriously lack basic etiquette for a constructive discussion, and hence your other arguments are useless unless you improve upon this most important thing.

Pirate Bady Sat 13 Apr 2024 7:13PM
@Pirate Praveen please read what @Snehal Shekatkar said in the reply to my last message which also mentions you. you still think that disagreement is the main issue while it was repeatedly stated that it's not the case.
people with different opinions can still choose to engage in healthy discussions. so difference of opinion is not the issue, the elements which lower the quality of discussion are. @fugata has phrased this issue well:
Repeatedly parroting one's beliefs and ignoring/mocking/talking past others' questions/responses is antithetical to constructive discussion.
^ this is the issue. it's similar to the pattern used in sealioning. whatever you try to solve without understanding that is like solving XY problem. before replying to your comments above, i'd like to know whether you acknowledge this. without that i don't see any point in continuing this discussion.

Pirate Praveen Sun 14 Apr 2024 11:40AM
@Pirate Bady if we don't make philosophical choice, then bvul5 can also argue the same thing - repeating/parroting by the other side. Constructive discussions cannot resolve fundamental philosophical differences. Only when there is a common ground and shared axioms, a debate can be constructive.

Pirate Bady Mon 15 Apr 2024 3:07PM
if we don't make philosophical choice, then bvul5 can also argue the same thing - repeating/parroting by the other side.
parroting alone isn't the issue, that along with disrupting the discussion by constantly ignoring or sidestepping any attempts to counter the arguments is. if it's done by anyone, regardless of what philosophy they adhere to, it's a problem and needs to be discouraged. current proposal doesn't address this, that's why i said it's like solving XY problem.
Only when there is a common ground and shared axioms, a debate can be constructive.
well, isn't it really a narrow-minded view to consider only people without difference of opinions can engage in healthy debates? if there's already a common ground, what's the point of debating?

Akshay Tue 16 Apr 2024 8:41AM
@Pirate Bady does repeatedly saying "only if something is free software any claim about it can be considered to be true" get considered as constantly ignoring counter-arguments?

Ravi Dwivedi
Fri 12 Apr 2024 3:42PM
Some amount of challenging of our views is fine, but repeated claims of promotion of proprietary software is not good. This proposal also lets people to continue on so I don't see how it restricts (permissible) free speech.

Pirate Praveen Tue 16 Apr 2024 9:47AM
@Pirate Bady is debating the primary goal of fsci? Even when debating, there are rules of debates, there are specific time allotted to each side, there is a moderator, who is supposed to be neutral etc Look at USA presidential debates. In my view, this community is about achieving common goals based on a shared understanding of Free Software. Any fundamentally different philosophy will need to build its own community. As a community working together on shared values, we have to set limits for our community. For example Indian Pirates has a different set of core values and limits. When I participate in both communities, I have to respect its limits. This is not about censorship, but setting limits to achieve some shared goals. If we don't set any limits, we can easily lose focus.

Pirate Bady Tue 16 Apr 2024 11:27AM
@Akshay i can answer your question. but may i know if anything i said sounded ambiguous to you? asking this because if you understood what i said, you would've been able to answer it yourself. so i wonder what made you ask that.

Akshay Tue 16 Apr 2024 11:30AM
@Pirate Bady Because I've seen people do that without being discouraged.

Pirate Bady Tue 16 Apr 2024 3:34PM
@Akshay did they constantly repeat same/similar statements without trying to justify why? did they do so by not properly responding to any/most of the attempts to counter their arguments reasonably?
TBH, i failed to notice such behavior from those who support free software. maybe it's because of my bias, i understand it can happen and it's a problem too. i can try to be more vigilant from now on by keeping this in mind, is there anything more/else you want me or our group as whole to do about it?

Kannan V M
Fri 12 Apr 2024 3:42PM
Isn't this a room moderation subject? Why this has to be in CoC?

Kannan V M Tue 16 Apr 2024 6:45PM
I mean if someone want to boast about Watsapp, they can go the off topic groups or other group n boast about it. The function of FSCI main group is to discuss and give support for Free Software. I mean nobody is censoring anyone, its just one has to act according the purpose/description of a room. I mean thats the civil thing to do.
If someone spamming with off topic so it affects other on topic discussions, the person has to be removed from the room or may be temporarily ban them.
And its already mentioned in point 4 in

Pirate Bady Wed 17 Apr 2024 10:44AM
is debating the primary goal of fsci?
@Pirate Praveen this can be considered as red herring fallacy. i didn't say debating is the primary goal, i was only trying to counter your arguments about having healthy debates.
now coming back to the topic, your proposal actually contains two parts: prevent "defending" and "promoting" proprietary software. the "promotion" part comes under off-topic as @Kannan V M and @Abhijith PA tried to point out and it's already covered in the CoC. about the "defending" part, just like some other points already in CoC, it is difficult to judge regarding where to draw the line. for eg. if someone says xmpp is not so hard to use and someone else replies "but my grandparents find whatsapp more easy to use", will that be considered as "defending proprietary software" that warrants a ban? IMO, unless really necessary, it's better to avoid making the moderation process more harder by adding such clauses.
the proposal already has 4 block votes including one from a permanent member. the reason why i'm still arguing against it is to see if we can get back @Snehal Shekatkar and @fugata to join back. @Pirate Praveen if you acknowledge the original issue raised by them, instead of just defending this proposal as the only solution to the problem you see, i hope they'll join back. on an other note, the one who triggered all this discussions is now banned for spreading hate speech.

Pirate Praveen Thu 18 Apr 2024 11:28AM
@Pirate Bady as mentioned in the other proposal. All violations of CoC are not of equal severity, so the more explicit we are about each class of violations, at least those we think as serious and will result in a ban, that has to be explicit.
Item removed

pirate king Fri 12 Apr 2024 7:34PM
This probably fits in a faq section rather than a coc.

Pirate Praveen Sat 13 Apr 2024 3:04PM
@pirate king faq would have been fine if people were not pushing for a ban. CoC is more powerful tool for making a decision. I don't think we can resolve this without taking a side.

pirate king Sat 13 Apr 2024 3:52PM
@Pirate Praveen then does it go through a warning phase and then ban?

Pirate Praveen Sat 13 Apr 2024 5:01PM
Yes, first step will be a warning. Only if they continue, ignoring the warning, ban will be considered.
Abhijith PA Sun 14 Apr 2024 9:39AM
The proposed addition to CoC is not saying we need to show zero tolerance to proprietary software discussions in FSCI rooms/groups but rather promoting/defending it. I believe this a basic understanding of any group that formed on a common interest. I don't think we need to be that explicit.
What sane person will join a chat room titled "Free Software" and then promote proprietary software in it multiple times. I think then that person's only interest it to troll or ridicule other group members.
The way this alleged person conducted in the chatroom, I don't think if it make any difference if they was promoting "WeeChat".

Pirate Praveen Sun 14 Apr 2024 11:47AM
@Abhijith PA do you think entire Free Software community is using only Free Software already? There are many Free Software communities on proprietary platforms. I wish it was natural for Free Software communities to use only Free Software, but we don't see that in practice. So making explicit boundaries help people participating in our forums.
Item removed

Poll Created Tue 16 Apr 2024 7:40PM
Amending FSCI CoC, Section 6, subsection 4. Closed Tue 23 Apr 2024 7:00PM
This proposal passed and we need to update the website.
This poll is to include content moderation to CoC ( for off topic discussion in topic specific groups. Following line will be amended to Section 6, "Actions to Increase Representation", Subsection 4, "Try to be concise and on-topic", description.
Discussion on topic specific FSCI spaces are required to be on topic and should follow guidelines of respective spaces.
FSCI is a community focused solely on promotion and improvement to free software. Even thought at times discussions divert through diverse topics, discussions in FSCI groups or rooms are mostly about free software. Usually such diversions are taken lightly, but at times the focus shifts entirely to off topic discussions, affecting other discussions relevant to the group.
This amendment in CoC is required to manage/moderate such off topic discussions.
The amendment does not restrict speech, since FSCI has spaces that conduct off topic discussions.
Please do comment improvements to the amendment.
Remember to see the last part of CoC -,
"While this code of conduct should be adhered to by participants, we recognize that sometimes people may have a bad day, or be unaware of some of the guidelines in this code of conduct. When that happens, you may reply to them and point out this code of conduct. Such messages may be in public or in private, whatever is most appropriate. However, regardless of whether the message is public or not, it should still adhere to the relevant parts of this code of conduct; in particular, it should not be abusive or disrespectful. Assume good faith; it is more likely that participants are unaware of their bad behavior than that they intentionally try to degrade the quality of the discussion."
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 85.7% | 6 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Abstain | 14.3% | 1 |
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Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 254 |
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7 of 261 people have participated (2%)

Tue 16 Apr 2024 7:40PM
I see the point on being on-topic already covered. And also the enforcement related advise is at the last part (quoted). Don't see any particular need for this amendment.

Kannan V M Wed 17 Apr 2024 6:26AM
@Akshay Looks like enforcement related part is not needed. I am removing that line. The idea of this amendment is to strengthen section 6.4, "Try to stay on topic, especially in discussions that are already fairly large.".

Pirate Bady
Tue 16 Apr 2024 7:40PM
since you're already proposing an amendment to this section, it'd be good to suggest to replace "email" with "message" in the existing text of that section. it's something we missed to notice during the adoption of CoC.

Pirate Praveen
Tue 16 Apr 2024 7:40PM
It improves the wording "try to be on topic" to "required to be on topic". May be adding an explicit consequence will be better. As each guideline in CoC is not of same severity, if being off topic can lead to a ban, I think it is better to be explicit. Or have an explicit listing of things that can lead to a ban.
Abhijith PA
Tue 16 Apr 2024 7:40PM
Now we are at it lets number our sections. I see only subsections are numbered.
Pirate Bady · Thu 24 Sep 2020 9:47PM
Code of Conduct publihsed at