Sat 13 Feb 2016 4:04PM
Researcher illegally shares millions of science papers free online to spread knowledge
Pirate Praveen
Seen by 280
Spread the word to all researchers out there
Sooraj Kenoth Sun 14 Feb 2016 9:19AM
In our campus the more interesting part is people really not much care/aware about the copy right and its implication.
Raju Devidas Tue 22 Mar 2016 4:56PM
This is a huge step by Alexandra Elbakyan, I just wish that she doesn't face any criminal actions as Aaron did.
Manoj Karingamadathil Wed 23 Mar 2016 5:51PM
Interesting. What can we do in indian context?
Pirate Praveen · Sat 13 Feb 2016 4:08PM
@soorajkenoth this would be interesting to you. @vishnuprakash do you know about it already? @fayadfami thanks for sharing this news.