Fri 9 Jul 2021 7:04AM

From Suraj Yengde's Caste Matters

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 26

Dalits are struggling to fight the social boycott imposed by dominant-caste villagers in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Bihar and Kerala; Dalit women are still seeking justice for mass rape; the souls of raped and lynched bodies paraded in the middle of streets yearn to seek justice; the brandishing of Dalit talent before the childish argument of ‘merit’ is haunting the doorsteps of educational institutes; the autonomous political praxis of Dalit students in college campuses is seen as a negative move; the death toll of manual scavengers keeps hitting national newspaper headlines; we keep talking about the greatness of India’s civilization and culture, when the only time a Dalit gets noticed is upon his or her death; when the world is trying to find solutions to problems with little success; when social movements are gearing up to create new bonds with new comrades; when ecological disasters affect the person at the bottom who has no means of employment; when the neo-liberal catastrophe is sacrificing the measures of livelihood to the global capital monster; when pedagogies are proving inadequate to express the blackout of morality; when teachers are unable to explain to their students where lies the unaccountability for the oppression of human beings; when India is ‘shining’ and the mass is fighting the darkness; when banks are ruling and governments are following; when democracy is being prostituted to the profligacies of the ruling elite; when the LGBTIQ movement refuses to actively endorse Dalit queer and trans bodies; when academic departments do not detail a course on the Dalit episteme; when research institutes do not commit to having detailed studies of Dalit lives in past and present; when the mother who cannot stop wiping her eyes at the loss of her three-year-old; when the temple priest continues to rape Dalit women for ‘religious needs’; when the dominant castes continue to loot the country; when the international left movement honestly takes hold of their oppressed comrades in India; when the solidarities of other groups become the priority; when prisons continue to get populated with oppressed-caste people; when the father who has lost his eighteen-year-old son has to beg for someone’s pittance to gather money to bury him; when the world’s governments and international bodies do not recognize the lives of the unheard; when an old woman tries to survive by begging on the streets; when animals are allowed to sit on people’s laps while even the shadow of a Dalit is forbidden in the house; when atheists say that religion is the primary problem and not caste; when Dalit remains Dalit and Brahmin remains Brahmin; when a son loses his father due to the lack of medical care owing to poverty and the privatization of the health industry . . .

So, until the progressives can take a courageous stand by denouncing and renouncing self-privilege; until radicals make caste their primary project; until rationalists do not stop commuting to agraharas to educate; until Dalixploitation becomes a concern of the world; until Dalit scientists are able to organize; until Dalit cinema is successful in the project of creativity; until Dalit rap becomes the lingua franca of revolt and is accepted in the mainstream; until Dalit achievers are unafraid of revealing their identity for fear of losing their future; until #castemustgo is truly embraced and #DalitLivesMatter is in the list of priorities; until my mother can sleep with reassurance without worrying about her son’s returning home safely in the caste police regime; until then, caste matters.

Originally shared by @Akshay in the matrix group.



Pirate Vik Sat 10 Jul 2021 1:30PM

"when atheists say that religion is the primary problem and not caste" - very importantly this gets in the way because people who reject caste get criticised for religion because their religion also talks of caste. We need to be radical about caste and an element of that radical approach must surely be to accept work with radical religious people too? I know a Brahmin priest who provides training to people from Dalit communities so that they can become priests, it doesn't seem like his religion is getting in the way of progress.