Self and the other: thoughtful article in the time of conflicts
I think its one of the most important tasks we have to take up is to resist collective punishments and resist protests turning violent.
"Our world today is increasingly divided along countless axes – nationality, religion, language, caste, class, race, gender, sexual orientation – and, truth be told, if we look for differences then we can find them everywhere. But, for all those countless differences, our lives and loves, our fears and wishes, our anxieties and aspirations, are surprisingly universal. Whether it is the growing heartbreak of the refugee crisis or the chilling spectre of radicalization, if we are able to see even a flash of ourselves in the eyes of the ‘other’, we will make more compassionate choices in our policies and practices, in the personal and the political."
I think we should add this quote to basic principle 1 (human rights), to give it a better context and clarity.
Pirate Praveen Fri 28 Oct 2016 5:41PM
Pirate Bady · Fri 28 Oct 2016 4:49PM
@praveenarimbrathod can we wait until the proposal for moving to php is closed? if it passes i can update the site with other pending amendments and manifesto points altogether.