Ekalavya to Aaron Swartz -- access (to knowledge) denied

I propose we start a campaign to link systematic denial of access to knowledge from our past to the present. This will also make people realize the relevance of pirate ideology of free sharing of information in the Indian context. We can make posters, organize debates on how copyright and patents continues to deny knowledge to a vast majority even today. We should remind people of the fights Ekalavya, Aaron Swartz and many more fought to free knowledge from the chains of their times and why more people should join our fight today.
Vishnu Prakash Sun 28 Sep 2014 11:01AM
I am sure it will impact on thoughts and actions. We will do it. I already shared in our institute's forum.

Pirate Praveen Tue 30 Sep 2014 6:56AM
Sign this petition - Let’s stand together to promote open access worldwide. https://act.eff.org/action/let-s-stand-together-to-promote-open-access-worldwide
Diego Gomez, a Colombian graduate student, currently faces up to eight years in prison for doing something thousands of researchers do every day: posting research results online for those who would not otherwise have a way to access them.

Pirate Praveen Tue 30 Sep 2014 7:00AM
Colombian grad student faces jail for sharing a thesis online

Murali Tue 30 Sep 2014 12:32PM

Manoj Karingamadathil Tue 30 Sep 2014 12:41PM

shirish Tue 30 Sep 2014 1:10PM
Had signed in the morning itself :)

ark Arjun Tue 30 Sep 2014 6:40PM

Pirate Praveen Wed 1 Oct 2014 11:45AM
Copyright as Censorship in Science: Striped Nanoparticle Edition
Ranjit Panicker Sun 5 Oct 2014 5:57PM
Pirate Praveen · Fri 26 Sep 2014 4:40PM
As a concrete step, we should get Guerilla Open Access Manifesto translated to all Indian Languages. Then we should get them printed as pamphlets and start distributing at various events or just as street campaigns in schools and colleges to start a wider debate in the society about lack of access to knowledge. This would be a good way for us to reach out to wider society outside our tech circle.