Wed 13 Nov 2019 8:31AM
Time table Software for Schools

I need a timetable software for a school. Please suggest the name of a good software that can be used for time table preparation. Paid or non-paid is acceptable.

George Mathew Wed 13 Nov 2019 8:45AM
Prepare a general time table, to link periods, teachers, subjects and classes and divisions
Srihari K Wed 13 Nov 2019 8:42AM
Fet is a good timetabling software, takes some time to learn, but has all features needed.
have seen it being used by govt school teachers to prepare time tables a few years ago.

George Mathew Wed 13 Nov 2019 8:49AM
sounds good.
milindoka Wed 13 Nov 2019 12:41PM
FET seems to be the best and one of the most popular time table software. I have created a minimal working time table software. Try it if you wish.

George Mathew Wed 13 Nov 2019 1:24PM
Thank you for the reply. Any other s/w, which is more easier to use.
Kannan V M · Wed 13 Nov 2019 8:39AM
what are your necessities for a timetable software?