hosting options

We should choose a good host for the instance.
First option for ethics/privacy (green/Iceland has best free speech laws) is but they are too costly.
Second option would be but still bit costly. We run with them and they are pretty good.
Third option is which offer very cheap hosting from France. I think we can start with a starter VPS for now as their other vps products are yet to launch. We can scale as we grow.

Pirate Praveen Fri 18 Mar 2016 3:55PM
@sytsesidsijbrandij thanks! We'll proceed with getting a machine from
Sytse 'Sid' Sijbrandij Fri 18 Mar 2016 6:01PM
@praveenarimbrathod awesome! let me know if you want us to open an account and pay or if you want to expense it

Pirate Praveen Sat 19 Mar 2016 6:07AM
@sytsesidsijbrandij let me see if we can use our existing account. (asking maintainers for their opinion You can buy credits for a specific handle. So it will be better if you buy credits to our account once we decide which account to use.
Sytse 'Sid' Sijbrandij Mon 21 Mar 2016 8:39PM
Cool, we'll buy the credits when the handle is clear.

Pirate Praveen Wed 23 Mar 2016 7:25AM
@sytsesidsijbrandij you can buy credits to MKT10-GANDI handle.

Pirate Praveen Thu 24 Mar 2016 12:22PM
@sytsesidsijbrandij credits are added to our handle, thanks! Created the server and now setting up the DNS.
@manukrishnantv @balasankarchelamat does not allow any more edits to the zones, so I'm switching to Free DNS service.

Pirate Praveen Thu 24 Mar 2016 7:10PM
@sytsesidsijbrandij we are live at running the gitlab package on debian jessie with a few manual steps (mail setup and some dependencies, which I hope to automate). Lets' test it among ourselves before we announce widely. We'll also add a link to as our hosting sponsor.
Sytse 'Sid' Sijbrandij Fri 25 Mar 2016 7:59PM
@praveenarimbrathod awesome!
Sytse 'Sid' Sijbrandij · Fri 18 Mar 2016 3:49PM
I'm OK with GitLab Inc. paying for an X-Large at Gandi.