Sun 29 Mar 2015 9:35AM

Let's fight for Net Neutrality before it becomes necessary. E-Mail the TRAI now.

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 179

So, the first thing you can do is to e-mail th TRAI on their comments email, which is : You probably shouldn't copypasta someone else's email on this as it will lead to them beleiving that a few people are spamming their inbox. Some tooltips on what to write would be:

Some tooltips on what to write would be:

Refer to the recent Net Neutrality agitation, and the subsequent FCC ruling,
Talk about how loss of revenue to Telecos should not be the bar to progress,
Talk about how Net Neutrality laws have already been enacted in The Netherlands after a similar agitation there,
If you want to, talk about how rulings in favour of allowing said regulation are anti-development, and not what you expect from the Government.

What else can I do?

You can tweet the issue out and raise publicity. Since this ruling affects widely used services such as WhatsApp and Skype, more people should be willing to listen.

Dude all this takes too long.

Well, yeah, you can either take 5 minutes now or bitch endlessly later. It's your choice.


[deactivated account] Thu 2 Apr 2015 6:48AM

the protests seemed to have worked?


Pirate Praveen Thu 2 Apr 2015 7:12AM

@arjun any news from TRAI?


[deactivated account] Thu 2 Apr 2015 7:25AM

@praveenarimbrathod honestly no , i havent really mailed them .. dint know how to go about it and was caught up with a few other things .. if its not a problem , could u forward me the mail u sent? ..


Pirate Praveen Thu 2 Apr 2015 12:19PM

@arjun I have forwarded you the mail. Don't use the exact words. Also read about proton mail. If they can change the javascript anytime they wish, you are blindly trusting them. I suggest using PGP and a mail provider like or, at least they can't change the encryption software.


[deactivated account] Thu 2 Apr 2015 3:02PM

@praveenarimbrathod - hey thanks for the email.. wont use ur content ,just needed for reference ..
And yes , I shall take a look at autistici and openmailbox .. shall send u my Public key


[deactivated account] Thu 2 Apr 2015 4:41PM

@praveenarimbrathod - just browsed through both and openmailbox .. first impression was that autistici sounds like they could run out of funds anytime and openmailbox seems reliable in this case .. privacy wise , both look good.. which one would you suggest? .. also , do you think they're reliable enough to use it as my primary email service?


Pirate Praveen Thu 2 Apr 2015 6:11PM

@arjun I use autistici as my primary id, there were a few times they were under DDOS attack. I don't know about openmailbox, I know a friend who uses it. @akshay and @balasankarchelamat also use autistici.


[deactivated account] Thu 2 Apr 2015 7:39PM

@praveenarimbrathod - alright , autistici it is then! .. thank you


Fayad Fami Sat 4 Apr 2015 8:33AM

Some work going on at this time.

20 days left to send opinions.


[deactivated account] Sun 5 Apr 2015 2:47AM

@praveenarimbrathod - could u pls end me ur public key in my email adrress


Pirate Praveen Mon 6 Apr 2015 7:43AM

There is a dedicated campaign site


Akshay Mon 6 Apr 2015 11:53AM

@arkarjun you could make a cartoon like

Could take ideas from

Some Mozillians and people in Bangalore are also trying to do things.


Pirate Praveen Tue 7 Apr 2015 10:08AM

We are translating Appu's story into Malayalam We should try and translate it to as many Indian languages as possible.


Pirate Praveen Tue 7 Apr 2015 5:05PM

Odisha MP writes to TRAI lets try and contact more representatives to write similar letters.

@arkarjun can we talk to our MP?


Akshay Tue 7 Apr 2015 5:51PM

@vik do you think hamaralinux can participate in a campaign like ? Net Neutrality India Team is preparing for it. Hamara could show non-obtrusive banners, and also put itself in the campaign page...


Pirate Vik Tue 7 Apr 2015 6:09PM

@akshay yes - that sounds like it aligns very well with us. Send us what you want us to do via our dev mailing list?


Akshay Tue 7 Apr 2015 6:21PM

@vik okay! I shall post as soon as we gain some clarity, put together a few web pages, scripts, etc.. will be the central point


michael john sinclair. Tue 7 Apr 2015 8:50PM

Good stuff


Adv.tksujith Wed 8 Apr 2015 12:48AM

നെറ്റ് ന്യൂട്രാലിറ്റിയെക്കുറിച്ച് ഒരു ചെറിയ കുറിപ്പ് നല്‍കാമോ ?


2015-04-07 23:57 GMT+05:30 Pirate Praveen (Loomio) :

Pirate Praveen created a proposal in Indian Pirates:

Add a banner to our site to support net neutrality ( )

We should support the Net Neutrality campaign by adding a banner t our site and linking to ( )

Closes on Saturday 11 Apr - 10:55pm

Have your say

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Pirate Praveen Wed 8 Apr 2015 11:36AM

I think we should make a wordpress plugin similar to how we did internet blackout day (we can just change the date and text) and blackout all websites on April 24th.


Pirate Praveen Wed 15 Apr 2015 6:26AM


Pirate Praveen Wed 15 Apr 2015 7:18AM

After Flip Kart, now its time to target Facebook. How about we do a boycott facebook for breaking net neutrality campaign? Who are all in it?


Fayad Fami Wed 15 Apr 2015 9:18AM

@praveenarimbrathod the article you wrote in azhimukham deserves special mention. It is written for the common man, it must be circulated as much as we can.

Just to confirm, associate members do have the right to take part in discussions except for voting rights. Is that right ?


Pirate Praveen Wed 15 Apr 2015 11:19AM

@fayadfami you don't even have to be an associate member to participate in discussions and voting where you have access, like this discussion. Voting members make official positions for the collective.


Akshay Wed 15 Apr 2015 12:12PM

Cleartrip voluntarily pulled out of Read Cleartrip is standing up for #NetNeutrality

There's a reddit discussion just trending about #FacebookBlackout but this has to be really coordinated.


Fayad Fami Wed 15 Apr 2015 2:48PM

Great. Check this out. The cleartrip blog says

"If Cleartrip supports Net Neutrality, then one might legitimately ask why Cleartrip chose to participate in the Indian launch of
Here’s why: a few weeks back, Facebook reached out and asked us to participate in the initiative with the intention of helping us deliver one of our most affordable products to the more underserved parts of the country."

I had closed my facebook account some time back but I would still like to take part in all ways possible. I am in.

However I really think a campaign against facebook should not tread into facts other than their stand in netneutrality.


Akshay Tue 21 Apr 2015 3:27PM

Jimmy Wales' unquestioning support of makes me in a difficult position where I have to argue against free access to world's knowledge.
Can anyone go through and help heal my soul?


Pirate Praveen Wed 22 Apr 2015 4:42AM

@akshay the problem is with your expectation. We want angels and devils so we don't have to think. But everyone has both these aspects in them. Just because someone does a lot of good is not a reason to support them when they do something wrong. Attacking someone who is in opposing camp is easy. But standing up to someone in your own group needs immense courage and conviction. Every privilleged person thinks its their god given mission to help the poor and show their kindness. They do not want to acknowledge that their privillege is the result of historic oppression and they are part of the reason why they remain poor. They think poor people needs charity and kindness. What we really need is a conscious collective effort to end systematic oppression of people and that will need questioning of our own roles and privilleges. Accepting our role in creating the poor is much harder than feeling good about helping poor.


[deactivated account] Wed 22 Apr 2015 4:04PM

@- "Every privilleged person thinks its their god given mission to help the poor and show their kindness. They do not want to acknowledge that their privillege is the result of historic oppression and they are part of the reason why they remain poor. They think poor people needs charity and kindness. " ... well said praveen! ..

And I had mailed TRAI and the 3 MP's of Chennai too .. no reply from anyone ..


[deactivated account] Wed 22 Apr 2015 4:04PM

@praveenarimbrathod - - "Every privilleged person thinks its their god given mission to help the poor and show their kindness. They do not want to acknowledge that their privillege is the result of historic oppression and they are part of the reason why they remain poor. They think poor people needs charity and kindness. " ... well said praveen! ..

And I had mailed TRAI and the 3 MP's of Chennai too .. no reply from anyone ..


Pirate Praveen Thu 23 Apr 2015 4:11AM

If Facebook wants to do charity, let them give free data packs and promote Facebook. They can say sponsored by and give ads when packs are activated. Blocking other websites is not acceptable. Prashant Sugathan mentioned this yesterday "when Wikipedia started, if Encyclopedia Britannica was free rated, and they had to pay for Wikipedia, would Wikipedia have become what it is today?"

Everyone wants to believe they are the last word on everything. What if we can still make a better encyclopedia? Wikipedia Zero is still okay on its own, if it was not used to legitimize Facebook is misusing Wikipedia's good will for their own self interest. It is sad Jimmy Wales can't see it for what it is.


[deactivated account] Mon 27 Apr 2015 1:07AM

@akshay "There’s a reddit discussion just trending about #FacebookBlackout but this has to be really coordinated." ..

just noticed this post of yours .. is this for real? have you been following this up? .. cuz if this is for real , we might wanna try and spread the word around as much as we could ..


Akshay Mon 27 Apr 2015 2:41AM

Apparently there were many events on Facebook itself for a blackout on 24th. Some people deactivated their account on that day. But I have no idea how that'd be visible :P


[deactivated account] Tue 28 Apr 2015 12:05PM

And TRAI publishes the email addresses of everyone who mailed them regarding net neutrality.. Including their full name and the content of the email!.. So much for privacy!..