Mon 23 Apr 2018 10:40AM

Death penalty is not the answer .. to violence against women

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 297

The focus must be on enhancing rape conviction rates and taking steps to rehabilitate and empower survivors

What specific action points can we add to our manifesto?


Pirate Vik Fri 27 Apr 2018 12:50PM

A persons word is evidence in law and is usually corroborated by other evidence such as other witness testimony, documentary / forensic / electronic evidence etc.
I do not think there are any laws which allow people to be tried in court without any evidence.


Rojin Fri 27 Apr 2018 1:32PM

I was referring to this India court says women 'misusing' dowry law

Some more, 'False rape' cases soar in Delhi as number of acquittals hits 78 per cent

These days laws are made to please the votes out, and not for the service of citizens (please Change my mind).