Death penalty is not the answer .. to violence against women

The focus must be on enhancing rape conviction rates and taking steps to rehabilitate and empower survivors
What specific action points can we add to our manifesto?

Pirate Praveen Wed 25 Apr 2018 7:39AM
In this case, I'm looking at ways to prevent violence against women and ensure justice for the victims of these crimes. We need to ensure verdict in time (more judges and fast track courts) and also ensure the witness get protection.
Pirate Vik Fri 27 Apr 2018 12:44PM
I agree timely verdicts and witness protection are essential elements of a functioning justice system.

Karthikeyan A K Thu 26 Apr 2018 12:11AM
To prevent it we must think out in a radical way. The first would be better educations from school days, that's a very long term idea. The short term will be to legalize prostitution. It takes the dirtiness from mind and puts it where it must belong.

Appoox Thu 26 Apr 2018 5:41PM
The short term will be to legalize prostitution
As much as it is required, legalizing prostitution is going to be very controversial if at all it is able to pass through a legislative institution.

Rojin Fri 27 Apr 2018 11:24AM
Are you aware of any eastern cultured countries adopting that?
Pirate Vik Fri 27 Apr 2018 12:47PM
Prostitution is legal in India

Rojin Fri 27 Apr 2018 1:28PM
I meant prostitution as a job with pensions and stuff. It showed a decrease in human trafficking and crimes against women. Is this legal in India? I think it was 6 months ago that there was a report in Asianet about underground prostitution units in Delhi. Could you elaborate how is prostitution legal in India.

Appoox Thu 26 Apr 2018 5:38PM
taking steps to rehabilitate and empower survivors
Not just the victims, but also for the criminals themselves. Rape as we know is a social disease and should be treated likewise with the longterm solutions mentioned above.

Rojin Fri 27 Apr 2018 11:29AM
I think there is enough empowering in a law basis, most laws for woman is based solely on her word ie no evidence required in many cases. This has gone to an extend where misuse gives more power than proper use.
Pirate Vik · Mon 23 Apr 2018 7:36PM
@praveenarimbrathod We already agreed that we stand against the death penalty. We could add a specific action with regard to the rehabilitation of criminals generally?