Proposal to design a set of guidelines for governments to follow in government software projects.

With governance getting more and more depended on digital platforms we need to set minimum criteria for the selection of such platforms. Even if Indian Government has a free software policy, it is largely ignored and even when it is implemented, it is only partially implemented. Because of this negligence, people's right to privacy is now at stake.
Free software being one part of the solution, but is not enough to guarantee the transparency of the process and security of public data.
The guidelines should include checks on defining how much data should be taken from an individual, how it should be processed, stored, used and how long should we keep it till it is disposed.
This should also include methods to verify the if guidelines are followed.
Pirate Praveen · Sat 30 May 2020 10:30AM
I think we should have a Public Money, Public Code campaign for India too. And we can build on that to include these points.