Mon 10 Oct 2016 5:36AM

Constitution amendment: Expand section on human rights

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 317

Update Article 1: Section 1:


Human beings have innate value. Rights of every human being is described in Universal Declaration of human rights. We will fight to ensure these rights are not denied to anyone.


Human beings have innate value. If we look for differences then we can find them everywhere. But, for all those countless differences, our lives and loves, our fears and wishes, our anxieties and aspirations, are surprisingly universal. If we are able to see even a flash of ourselves in the eyes of the ‘other’, we will make more compassionate choices in our policies and practices, in the personal and the political. Rights of every human being is described in Universal Declaration of human rights. We will fight to ensure these rights are not denied to anyone.

Discussion here (if you have comments on the text, gather consensus there and propose new vote)


Poll Created Mon 10 Oct 2016 5:37AM

Update article 1: section1 to exapnd the idea of human rights Closed Mon 17 Oct 2016 6:02AM

Human beings have innate value. If we look for differences then we can find them everywhere. But, for all those countless differences, our lives and loves, our fears and wishes, our anxieties and aspirations, are surprisingly universal. If we are able to see even a flash of ourselves in the eyes of the ‘other’, we will make more compassionate choices in our policies and practices, in the personal and the political. Rights of every human being is described in Universal Declaration of human rights. We will fight to ensure these rights are not denied to anyone.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 1 PP
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 7 AA BC AJ FF PV PB A

1 of 8 people have participated (12%)


Pirate Praveen
Mon 10 Oct 2016 5:40AM

It add more insight and emotion to the idea of human rights.


Pirate Praveen Sun 16 Oct 2016 10:38AM

@akshay @arjun @arkarjun @balasankarchelamat @fayadfami @vik your vote is pending.