Hosting Details

After NSA issue, there are several people who are worried about their privacy (even in Diaspora). So, I believe we should give them details about's hosting. Moreover, as this was a Crowdsourced campaign, we are resposible to tell the public how we spent the money.
I suggest these details
1. How much money we go?
2. How much we spent.
3. What are the VPS Specifications?
4. Where (in which country) poddery is hosted?
5. Why we are not using Amazon hosting.
I couldn't find any such details in website.

Pirate Praveen Sat 21 Jun 2014 9:32AM
@balasankarchelamat go ahead and add these details.

Balasankar C Sat 5 Jul 2014 3:59PM
Done. Extremely minimal as I am not at all good in designing.
Juan Santiago Sun 6 Jul 2014 5:13PM
Great job, it needs no more, I like black ecological backgrounds.

Pirate Praveen Thu 27 Nov 2014 6:16PM
@balasankarchelamat can you update that page with these details?
Money raised via indiegogo - 922 Euro
Moeny we received (after 9% cut by indiegogo) - 839 Euro
Money we have after Income Tax deduction (Joe S paid 25% income tax on this) - 629 Euro
Money received via SMC account - 45 Euro
Hosting charges - 388 Euro
SSL certificate - 12 Euro
Server Upgrade - 240 Euro
We need to pay 12 Euros for domain renewal.

Pirate Praveen Fri 26 Dec 2014 8:26AM
Can we parse the json file => to update the version details automatically? @balasankarchelamat can you try it?
Manu Krishnan T V · Mon 5 May 2014 2:05PM
I'll just update with the details I know.
The VPS is provided by KnightSwarm Handelsbolag at a discounted rate. The cost is $486.00 USD for 3 years till 2016-10-01.
The VPS specs are as below:
4GB RAM, 6 Cores, 80GB RAID10 SAS, 6800GB monthly, 1Gbps Port Speed, 1IPv4, /64 IPv6.
Server Located in Amsterdam region (Dronten, Netherlands)
Apart from the cost of server, $15 was spent for a new AlphaSSL certificate from IPXCore
Also, I believe the domain was also renewed, which is still with Godaddy.