Wed 1 Jun 2016 6:43AM

Reaching out to marginalized/oppressed/historicaly discriminated groups like dalits, adivasis, women, sexuality minorities etc

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 496

We should reach out to these groups and highlight the equal rights we practice here (how many groups/parties/ngos have a dalit, adivasi or women in their decision making bodies?). Their presence will also enrich our perspective.

We could start with a poster campaign on social media (through Indian Pirates accounts and also through our personal accounts).


Sooraj Kenoth Mon 13 Feb 2017 5:24AM

@arjun If anyone is showing any hesitation to sit with those people in a general coach, what would be the reason?


Sooraj Kenoth Mon 13 Feb 2017 11:37AM

@arjun If anyone is showing any hesitation to sit with those people in a general coach, what would be the reason?

You can get some review from here.