Wed 1 Jun 2016 6:43AM
Reaching out to marginalized/oppressed/historicaly discriminated groups like dalits, adivasis, women, sexuality minorities etc

We should reach out to these groups and highlight the equal rights we practice here (how many groups/parties/ngos have a dalit, adivasi or women in their decision making bodies?). Their presence will also enrich our perspective.
We could start with a poster campaign on social media (through Indian Pirates accounts and also through our personal accounts).
Sooraj Kenoth Mon 13 Feb 2017 11:37AM
@arjun If anyone is showing any hesitation to sit with those people in a general coach, what would be the reason?
You can get some review from here.
Sooraj Kenoth · Mon 13 Feb 2017 5:24AM
@arjun If anyone is showing any hesitation to sit with those people in a general coach, what would be the reason?