meeting with roundcube developers

Wednesday, 27th August 2014 6:00 pm IST or 2:30 pm CEST in #kolab on freenode
We'll plan the campaign for a better mobile version of roundcube.
Pavithran S Fri 22 Aug 2014 6:27PM
roundcube is good but still no where close to thunderbird . Somehow I like thunderbird on desktop. Zimbra is also nice the last time I checked.

Pirate Praveen Sat 23 Aug 2014 7:10AM
@shirish roundcube is most widely used free software webmail solution.,, all provide webmail using roundcube. Most hosting providers have roundcube as their default webmail solution.
@pavithrans thunderbird is a different approach altogether and cannot replace webmail.

Manu Krishnan T V Sat 23 Aug 2014 4:25PM
Wednesday, is it 27th?

Pirate Praveen Sat 23 Aug 2014 6:02PM
@manukrishnantv yes.

Balasankar C Sun 24 Aug 2014 8:02AM
What about mailpile?

Pirate Praveen Mon 25 Aug 2014 5:12AM
@balasankarchelamat mailpile will need time to develop also its adoption would take longer. For new services it may be a good option, but for those who are already using roundcube an update would be a good option.

Manu Krishnan T V Mon 25 Aug 2014 6:55AM
Lets communicate with the Rainloop team too. There has been much advancements in its development. I found a workout for the threading issue in it, not the gmail way, but works only if the client used is rainloop. Others will mess up the setup.

Torsten Grote Mon 25 Aug 2014 2:36PM
FYI. We provide a hosted service at where we use Roundcube.

Pirate Praveen Wed 27 Aug 2014 2:01PM
Summary of the discussion
shirish · Fri 22 Aug 2014 5:28PM
it would be nice if we have an introductory of roundcube as a service/implementation. I did a rough search on youtube but couldn't come up with anything handy.