Create a contact us/join us page on our website

I think we should have short descriptions of various ways people can contribute to FSCI.
System Administration for the different services we run (keep the services and operating system uptodate, troubleshoot issues that pop up from time to time). We are happy to train anyone interested so even if you don't have expertise right now, but is willing to learn, we can guide you.
Debian Packaging of services that use native packages. Many services we run uses native debian packages, so contributing to maintaining these packages help us run our services well. We are happy to mentor you to learn packaging if you are interested.
Provide technical support in our online groups when people ask for help. Join matrix://r/
Non Technical:
Contribute articles to our website. It can be tutorials about various Free Software apps and services.
Crowd funding campaigns: Monitor funding status of various services and organize crowd funding campaigns when funds are depleted. We usually run a crowd funding campaign for a service once a year or once in two years.
Publicity. Help spread the work we do in various social media formats. Help write responses to current events that are relevant to Free Software.
Organizing events and talks. You can help with organizing any Free Software event we organize from time to time. You can also arrange talks on Free Software in your school, college or workplace.
Donate to support running various services. We are able to provide these services to the public only because of contributions from people like you who value the work we do.
If you are interested, talk to us using one of the mediums listed below or use the contact form.
I think we can embed a kobotoolbox form on the contact page to collect volunteer requests.
<iframe frameborder="2" src="" width="100%" height="100%" style="margin: auto;"></iframe>

Ravi Dwivedi Wed 4 Aug 2021 5:59PM
Okay. I'll mention.

Ravi Dwivedi Fri 20 Aug 2021 7:23PM
I don't know how to add this comment in the Kobo form. I only see a way to add questions.

Pirate Praveen Fri 20 Aug 2021 7:52PM
We are having a contact page along with the form, right? This can be in the page content. But if at all you need to include notes, you can use the acknowledgement option.

Ravi Dwivedi Mon 23 Aug 2021 6:07PM -> form after today's meeting.

Pirate Praveen Wed 1 Sep 2021 5:48PM
I think we should add all sub groups and teams in this page or another page.

Pirate Praveen Sun 5 Sep 2021 3:30PM
We can use the fsci issue tracker for keeping track of tasks - link (use Outreach team label)
Pirate Praveen · Mon 26 Jul 2021 6:13PM
We can mention this too I think "In case of Free Software on your device, you needed to be convinced by arguments and just being a Free Software User is sufficient, but when it comes to services that you use to connect with others, just being a user is not sufficient, as long as you don't become an activist and bring your friends and family over, this thing is not going to work. So we need to build communities and support each other more than ever. Talk to us and we will work together on this challenging task".