Create a contact us/join us page on our website

I think we should have short descriptions of various ways people can contribute to FSCI.
System Administration for the different services we run (keep the services and operating system uptodate, troubleshoot issues that pop up from time to time). We are happy to train anyone interested so even if you don't have expertise right now, but is willing to learn, we can guide you.
Debian Packaging of services that use native packages. Many services we run uses native debian packages, so contributing to maintaining these packages help us run our services well. We are happy to mentor you to learn packaging if you are interested.
Provide technical support in our online groups when people ask for help. Join matrix://r/
Non Technical:
Contribute articles to our website. It can be tutorials about various Free Software apps and services.
Crowd funding campaigns: Monitor funding status of various services and organize crowd funding campaigns when funds are depleted. We usually run a crowd funding campaign for a service once a year or once in two years.
Publicity. Help spread the work we do in various social media formats. Help write responses to current events that are relevant to Free Software.
Organizing events and talks. You can help with organizing any Free Software event we organize from time to time. You can also arrange talks on Free Software in your school, college or workplace.
Donate to support running various services. We are able to provide these services to the public only because of contributions from people like you who value the work we do.
If you are interested, talk to us using one of the mediums listed below or use the contact form.
I think we can embed a kobotoolbox form on the contact page to collect volunteer requests.
<iframe frameborder="2" src="" width="100%" height="100%" style="margin: auto;"></iframe>
Abhijith PA Sat 17 Jul 2021 3:05PM
About the financial section: Since we don't have a central place to collect donation, we have to list all those personal accounts of volunteers running the services. So people who intend to donate need to go through all that.

Pirate Praveen Sat 17 Jul 2021 3:12PM
We can link to individual funding pages and users have to worry about the service they want to support only. Many people use UPI and I think that makes it much simpler for them to donate.

Ravi Dwivedi Wed 21 Jul 2021 6:16PM
Add a section which says 'Volunteer for Us' . This section should say the above points on what volunteer works we do. And at the end, there can be a form to fill for volunteering for FSCI. By the way, how did FSF India create their volunteer form?

Pirate Praveen Wed 21 Jul 2021 8:12PM
FSF India is running a PHP script on their server. It just sends a mail and creates a gitlab issue. We could do that on another server we manage ( is gitlab pages so we can't do it there). But kobo form might be easier to implement.

Ravi Dwivedi Wed 21 Jul 2021 8:22PM
Okay. Let's do Kobo form.

Pirate Praveen Wed 21 Jul 2021 9:43PM
I think as a next step we should document our teams and team members, good to have photos of people who are okay to publish it. Admin team, Outreach team, SFCamp organizing team (this can be in camp website and we link to it), Website team, Budget/Funding team. Did I miss any?

Pirate Praveen Wed 21 Jul 2021 10:20PM
Some ideas for the contact form. Name: Email: Phone number(optional)
How did you reach this page? Introduce yourself, What motivated you to write to us? What areas you like to contribute to? Give a multiple choice list of options explained on the site. Did you already join any of our discussion groups? Would you like to join these groups? Any questions or comments for us? All of this can be optional.

Ravi Dwivedi Fri 23 Jul 2021 9:28PM
<iframe frameborder="2" src="" width="100%" height="100%" style="margin: auto;"></iframe>

Ravi Dwivedi Fri 23 Jul 2021 9:30PM -- lInk to the volunteer form
Pirate Praveen · Sat 17 Jul 2021 2:56PM
I'm thinking of using a kobotoolbox survey embedded in te contact page, wdyt? Should we create an outreach team to talk to people who will contact us? From FSF India experience many people might volunteer if there is a contact form as they may not be using matrix yet. Anyone interested to be part of such a team? Else I think we can reuse the current admin alias.