Monthly meetup to keep servers updated

PB Pirate Bady Public Seen by 76

@sahilister suggested the idea of meeting at least once in a month to keep the FSCI servers updated. Due to lack of volunteers as well as funding, there were discussions about shutting down some services. Crowdfunding campaign is going on, but that's not enough as we need more volunteers as well. A monthly meeting, which is open to all, seems to be a good idea to begin with to get more volunteers.


Poll Created Fri 18 Feb 2022 2:24PM

Suggest a recurring day and time for the meeting Closed Fri 4 Mar 2022 6:00PM

by Pirate Bady Tue 22 Mar 2022 11:39AM

Let's meet every first Sunday of the month from 9pm-11pm

Second Saturday got the 2nd highest vote, so for tasks that need more time and care, we can also meet on Second Saturdays so that as @sahilister said we'll get Sunday to fix things if something goes wrong.

Let's meet once in a month at a fixed day and time to keep the FSCI servers updated. You can choose multiple options, select at least a day and time. You can also add other options to the poll apart from the existing ones.


Results Option % of points Voters
First Sunday of the month 35.7% 5 AK VK RD PB PP
Night between 7pm to 11pm 28.6% 4 RD S PB PP
Second Saturday of the month 21.4% 3 DU S PP
Last Sunday of the month 7.1% 1 PP
Morning between 11am to 1pm 7.1% 1 DU
Undecided 0% 226 AP V K RD VT VKJ HM AM NE D AB A S B NF RV DU DU N DU

7 of 233 people have participated (3%)


sahilister Sat 19 Feb 2022 3:51PM

Night between 7pm to 11pm
Second Saturday of the month

I'm vouching for a Saturday, so if things go bad we have the night to fix stuff up.


Vinay Keshava Thu 17 Mar 2022 6:57PM

Recurring day and time for meeting every month decided?


Ravi Dwivedi Sun 20 Mar 2022 2:25PM

@Pirate Bady what is the outcome?


Pirate Bady Tue 22 Mar 2022 11:40AM

@Ravi Dwivedi @Vinay Keshava sorry for the delay, outcome added to the poll. let's have our "first" meeting on April 3rd at 9pm.


Pirate Bady Thu 31 Mar 2022 6:15AM

calendar invite for the meetup on april 3rd at 9pm


Pirate Praveen Sun 3 Apr 2022 11:08AM

Please also share this on chat groups.


Pirate Praveen Sun 3 Apr 2022 11:10AM

May be create a page on fsci website too for more visibility.


Life is Tetris Fri 15 Jul 2022 7:18AM

Is there a thread about the services' technicalities?

How much performance improvement would make a difference in hosting costs? Kernel Mode Linux and such minimal-change approaches seem promising.