Fri 18 Mar 2016 5:52PM

An arrogant entitlement serves none

V Vidyut Public Seen by 326

Over and over this lasting impression remains. We are very full of ourselves. We think that just because we have the grand idea to be pirates, we are the best possibility for country, even if ignorant and worse, not interested in learning.

Over the last year, the only ideas I have noticed are either copying someone else's idea or overestimating our value. Be it with "tie ups" with causes or now "elections".

Fact on the ground is that we are not even able to generate enough original ideas to keep a discussion forum going. Our plans of grandeur are in the stratosphere. What would a cause benefit from is, if we haven't even been able to speak for ourselves properly to date? No idea. But seems like a grand gesture of nobility that we surely have.

Where is the respect for the democratic values, if we think nothing of using elections as a sandbox without till date having done the smallest thing that would educate any of us as politicians or party? Are we really so full of ourselves as to think we are offering anything at all to anyone at this point?

I speak harsh. I don't have pretty words, I have no interest in sounding likeable and pleasing people. What I see here is a commitment to ignorance and laziness. When the thinking for forming a party got difficult, we ditched the idea and decided to call ourselves a group that isn't even planning to be a party.

We could have supported a million causes without needing a single tie up. What did we do? Nothing. Our land, water, air is being screwed, but we need invitation letters in triplicate with nice ego boosting tie ups before we will raise our voice with conviction. Forget organized effort, did even four heads among us get together to fight something they believed was wrong? When it comes to doing, we are lazy. When it comes to ego boosts, we are so entitled, we don't even see that we have no competence for what we aspire to do. Any question of lack of competence is shrugged off as "so what? we will fail. big deal" but not a finger lifted in any urgency to do anything that could avoid failure.

Aadhaar bill got passed. What was Pirate Party's opinion on it? It doesn't get against Pirate Party values worse than this. Forget Pirate Party - it will impact the lives of every single one of us here with forced registration of our biometrics. It didn't light so much as a cigarette, let alone a fire under our butts to do anything at all about it. We could have done it and failed - like we are fine with for so many of our grand delusions, but we didn't bother.

Big talk, big self opinion, zero action. This is bullshit.


Karthikeyan A K Sat 19 Mar 2016 11:45AM

I am ready for cyber / social media marketing for the pirate party and I am good at it. Contact me I can do it for the love of pirates and digital freedom.


Pirate Vik Sat 19 Mar 2016 5:11PM

@vidyut I don't know if I agree 100% but I see where your coming from. Direct Action is really required if we want to do anything meaningful. I produced that Modi video but got cold feet about publishing it. I guess if we don't lead with real activism the movement won't grow / achieve much.

I have been involved I front line direct action many times, it's risky but delivers results. I guess we need some of that.


Pirate Praveen Sun 20 Mar 2016 2:46PM

@karthikeyanak you don't have to wait for anyone. Just start doing and ask people to join.

@vidyut @vik while direct action gives results and good feeling. I think we need deep transformations or else we end up like AAP. They had good results, but they ended up silencing dissent and compromising their own core values (see how they removed their own lokpal).


Vidyut Mon 21 Mar 2016 11:25AM

Agree on that, @praveenarimbrathod


Pirate Vik Mon 21 Mar 2016 7:37PM

@praveenarimbrathod well said


[deactivated account] Fri 22 Apr 2016 10:17PM

@vidyut although I agree to most of what you have to say, I do feel that some of them have done atleast something in their own little way to make a difference.. I'm referring to the diaspora yatra, might not be big but it's not an easy task to go and talk to people place to place.. Today, hardly 10 - 15 of us are even actively participating in discussions let alone doing something in real life.. About the remaining.. I'll tell you what this group looks like to me. Looks like a bunch of people joined the group to satisfy their ego, a sense of belonging, to get a false sense of satisfaction that they're doing something good for the society or maybe becaude they were simply curious ..This I talk about the remaining 70 or so members..
While I feel that it's nice to discuss about a range of topics here, I also feel that it could be one of the reason for us not acting upon anything.. There's just too much on our plate.. We talk about almost every important topic we can think of but ACT ON NONE.. I'm guilty of the above too..

@vidyut it could also be most of them are stuck with the same old 9-5 office routine.. I have friends who have regular jobs and I'm sure you do too and I see them slogging their ass off 12 hours a day and by the end of it they're just too tired to concentrate on anything else.. They simply don't have the time..


[deactivated account] Fri 22 Apr 2016 10:22PM

@vidyut like u mentioned above.. We don't act.. After the 9-5 office routine, In order for someone to act upon the things we discuss here one must be really inclined and passionate about the things we type down here..
It could be one of the reasons..

I sometimes feel we should choose one topic, concentrate and discuss on that particular topic and finally do something about it no matter how small it is.. For example the lpg subsidy survey you had proposed.. We can actually do that..
This way we could accomplish a lot more..


[deactivated account] Fri 22 Apr 2016 10:30PM

@vidyut having said the above, for now lets see what we can do best.. Well anyways helping @praveenarimbrathod with his door to door campaign, etc.. So we could do the lpg subsidy survey while we're at it..


[deactivated account] Fri 6 May 2016 2:57PM

@karthikeyanak So lets do the lpg survey in chennai. Lets meet up. @5hanth could join us too.


Pirate Bady Sat 7 May 2016 4:35PM

it'll be better if @vidyut can publish a proposal outcome by consolidating the suggestions and feedback received.


Vidyut Sat 7 May 2016 4:37PM

Bady, the outcome for this is something we'll have to show by action, not counting votes. It has served its purpose. This is it.

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