status and future plans

Gitlab Inc sponsored hosting of this service for last 6 years (2016-2022). This sponsorship ends in December 2022. Thanks to Gitlab Inc for their support till now.
I have asked Zigo from Infomaniak about sponsorship at DebConf and they seemed interested (they already sponsor But I'd like to step down as maintainer of this service and will follow up with them only if new people volunteer to maintain it. Most of the time maintenance requires only running an apt install gitlab and sometimes taking care of disk space.
Please reply to this thread before 31st October 2022, if you'd like to volunteer to continue maintaining this service.
Ravish Thu 28 Jul 2022 3:39PM
Dear Reader, I vouch my self to be a deadly maintainer of gitlab instance ( Long live the freedom, long live the glory of hacking. Long live king Terry.
Oh the holy one, I shall seek your guidance in our secured channel.

Mohd Bilal Thu 28 Jul 2022 5:41PM
I would also like to join in maintaining this service. Though I've no experience managing such services, I'm ready to learn it along the way

Pirate Praveen Thu 28 Jul 2022 6:09PM
Thanks @Ravish and @Mohd Bilal for volunteering.
Vinay Keshava Fri 29 Jul 2022 4:38AM
I would like to volunteer for maintaining this service, I'm also willing to learn.

Pirate Praveen Tue 21 Mar 2023 5:17PM
Just for the record, we got 1000 Euro credit valid up to 2029 (we can ask if it expires before) from Infomaniak. We should have a blog post too
Pirate Praveen · Thu 28 Jul 2022 2:23PM
Even if you are not experienced in managing a server, but still interested to learn, I'd be happy to guide you.