Debian Packaging Workshop at NITC July 2017
We'll use this for coordination. Please add an introduction about your GNU/Linux experience. Mention your level of expertise as 1. Yet to install, 2. Know basic graphical use 3. Know basics of command line 3. Comfortable with command line
If you are yet to install GNU/Linux follow steps given at and install Debian 8 Jessie (current stable release)
If you know GNU/Linux graphical interface, learn command line with this course
If you know basics of command line, complete the pre requisites listed here
Once pre requisites are completed, join on matrix/riot.
Collaborate/track progress at
Poll Created Sat 6 May 2017 4:32PM
Your comfort level with command line Closed Sat 20 May 2017 4:01PM
We expect some level of familiarity with command line
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |||
Know basics of commandline | 72.7% | 16 | |||
Comfortable with commandline | 18.2% | 4 | |||
Yet to install GNU/Linux | 4.5% | 1 | |||
Familiar with GNU/Linux graphical interface | 4.5% | 1 | |||
Undecided | 0% | 101 |
22 of 123 people have participated (17%)
Arun Chandanaveli Sun 7 May 2017 5:35AM
I know to refer somewhere are do stuff over commandline
Poll Created Wed 10 May 2017 5:02AM
Your familiarity with git version control system Closed Sat 20 May 2017 6:45AM
Please learn git now, we maintain debian packages in git. Pick a book from and learn git. We can have an online session on git if you like.
We maintain debian packages in git version control system
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |||
I'm not familiar with git | 37.5% | 3 | |||
I'm comfortable with git | 37.5% | 3 | |||
I know basics of git | 25.0% | 2 | |||
Undecided | 0% | 101 |
8 of 109 people have participated (7%)
Arun Chandanaveli Wed 10 May 2017 5:21AM
Using Bitbucker as part of internship.
Arun Chandanaveli Wed 10 May 2017 5:21AM
Using Bitbucket as part of internship.
Mohammed Sadiq · Sun 7 May 2017 1:08AM
By the way, I shall probably be at NITC tomorrow or day after. I may be able to spent a few hours for clearing doubts regarding Debian GNU/Linux installation (or commandline) in person.