Sun 13 Sep 2015 6:36AM

What is our position on the use of the death penalty?

PV Pirate Vik Public Seen by 342

Indian Pirates should oppose the use of the death penalty. Legal systems are fraught with inefficiency, lack of fairness and outright corruption. In this scenario can we really support a system that provides an irreversible conclusion?
Law changes over time, we cannot bring back the dead who's acts are no longer deemed illegal.


Pirate Praveen Tue 27 Oct 2015 7:39PM

Considering others is different from using others as an excuse. Do we stop using internet till everyone in the society has internet?


Akshay Tue 27 Oct 2015 7:49PM

Here, let me explain the circularity.

Why do we have punishments? To ensure social justice, to deter criminals, to ensure safety of everyone.
Is death penalty a good punishment?
Does it ensure social justice? What's social justice?
Does it deter criminals? How on earth can I figure this out?
Does it ensure anyone's safety? Does anything ensure anyone's safety?

How am I supposed to know what I'm supposed to be convinced about?


Pirate Praveen Tue 27 Oct 2015 7:54PM

@akshay asking these questions are a good start. Now try to find answers to these questions and ask more questions when you are not clear. It may take time to get answer to some questions, but don't give up asking and finding answers.

What are your own answers to these questions?


[deactivated account] Tue 27 Oct 2015 8:44PM

@praveenarimbrathod "One getting convinced yourself and convincing others. You don’t have to accept only things that you can convince others. Then we can never change anything. Also it is ignoring your own capacity to think and decide yourself." - I dint really understand what you were trying to say..

Update: okay, I think I get what you were trying to say there.. Well.. Honestly, I don't know how I feel about the death penalty.. I'm just confused.. I guess it's cuz I've never really had such al conversation with anyone about this before.. Nor have I read much about it..


Pirate Praveen Tue 27 Oct 2015 8:59PM

@arjun the entire society is so much into revenge than justice (just look at all the Indian movies), so forming our own opinions based on how we can convince others is not the right approach. Indeed, we have to find ways to convince others, but that should not be a factor in deciding our own opinions. Once we are clear about something ourselves, then we can find ways to convince others.

No one is born a murderer or a terrorist or rapist, unlike most politicians and religions want us to believe. An child growing up in US or UK to Indian parents will have values of his surroundings. If the same child were to be bought up in India, they would be a totally different person.

So society as a whole is responsible for murders, terrorists, rapists etc. About punishments, those are to stop further harm. When people are angry and fighting, last thing they would be thinking is punishment as deterrent. They would want to not get caught rather than not do it. For a small percentage of people it may be a deterrent.

So we have to stop making criminals by ensuring justice. When justice is denied, it creates more criminals, even perception of denied justice and victim hood can create more criminals.


[deactivated account] Tue 27 Oct 2015 9:22PM

@praveenarimbrathod "So society as a whole is responsible for murders, terrorists, rapists etc." - Agreed.. but its very difficult I tell you..
Ill just type down what i feel about crime in our society.. This might not have anything to do with the death penalty but since we are talking about 'society being responsible for crimes' and we both agree on it , here goes-

We have become a consumerist society.. At least the people in Chennai have become.. Everyone wants the latest gadget and wants to drive/ ride a nice car/bike , wants to go to the mall and buy expensive stuff.. FOR FREE! Without having to work for it! .. Noone seems satisfied.. Especially with youngsters , the pressure is too much .. the pressure to keep up.. If you do not own the latest smartphone , you are out! You are looked down upon .. Trust me , this is how it was when i graduated from college 7 yrs back and this is how it is now.. in fact worse! ..And this is not just the case with middle class .. its the same in the slums too , you could ask any of your maids / milkmans / iron walas and they will tell you the same .. you know what happens next? ..They resort to stealing! ..And stealing is the smallest form of crime ..the more courageous ones resort to chain snatching, etc.. and believe me , they do not "feed" their family with their money as some of us might think .. they fulfill their desires of keeping up with our society.. And the corporations and the media encourage it.. why wouldnt they? ..The more the merrier! ..You keep flashing those so called "party" video songs on tv all the time , the kids feel THAT is life and thats that! .. Im not blaming anyone in particular .. But I feel we've become too much of a consumerist society and everyones in on the rat race .. and that everyone needs everything .. that too quick! and without having to work much for it..

Eventually what happens is , people who can afford it have no problems .. and those who cant , and are impatient, resort to criminal ways to fulfill their desires..

Im sorry if I went off topic .. but this is what I feel about crime..
And so coming back to society as a whole being responsible.. how do we change that? ..


[deactivated account] Tue 27 Oct 2015 9:28PM

And now I feel I've typed too much and that since this thread is "public" .. Im getting paranoid now! :|


Vidyut Wed 28 Oct 2015 4:02PM

@arjun I'll write an article in protest if you get arrested :p


[deactivated account] Wed 28 Oct 2015 4:06PM

@vidyut hahaha ..hey make me look like a hero yeah? ..
Now you know why i asked you if you ever were threatened?


Vidyut Wed 28 Oct 2015 4:09PM

And like I said. the trick is in being a big enough voice that silencing you will cause uproar, and small enough that there is no need to silence you ;)

While the risks of killing you are bigger than those of letting you live.... you'll be fine :p


[deactivated account] Wed 28 Oct 2015 4:14PM

@vidyut i absolutely agree! .. and i shall remember that :)


vishnu Prakash Wed 25 Nov 2015 7:07AM

We should stand against death penalty. Agreed


Pirate Praveen Mon 9 May 2016 5:57PM

Since we already have a consensus on this, I think a separate vote in "Permanent Members" sub group is redundant. We can add the following to our manifesto. "We will abolish death penalty".