Fri 20 Dec 2013 11:56PM

Campaign website

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 304

We have working with a plain wordpress site. Need volunteers to handle updates.

We should also embed on the front page so people can see events near them and participate.


Nandaja Varma Fri 27 Dec 2013 2:26PM

@praveenarimbrathod Added. Hope you have received the password via mail.


Pirate Praveen Fri 27 Dec 2013 5:35PM

@nandajavarma found it in my spam! @manukrishnantv I guess diaspora team need to set SPF and DKIM for us.


Pirate Praveen Sun 29 Dec 2013 1:46PM

@nandajavarma @manukrishnantv SPF record is set. Nandaja, can you folks install Youtube embed plugin? it is asking for ftp password.


Nandaja Varma Sun 29 Dec 2013 2:11PM

@praveenarimbrathod I have installed the Youtube embed plugin.


Pirate Praveen Sun 29 Dec 2013 2:48PM

@nandajavarma thanks!


Pirate Praveen Mon 10 Feb 2014 4:14PM

@nandajavarma can you add "the day we fight back" plugin?


Pirate Praveen Thu 13 Mar 2014 7:47AM

@abidaboobaker moving the discussion here. warchild campaign site looks good. Take your time, we'll work on the content in the meantime.


Abid Aboobaker Thu 13 Mar 2014 8:01AM

@praveenarimbrathod :) Will come back with a theme asap.

Just discuss about platform - Drupal/Wordpress?


Pirate Praveen Fri 14 Mar 2014 3:04AM

@abidaboobaker I think Drupal is too heavy for this campaign. But you can take a call on it.


shirish Fri 14 Mar 2014 5:07PM

just had a look-see on the site, very nice. Looks very clean. Also loaded pretty fast.

Would suggest that the theme be light and perhaps transparent with content coming on top.

The theme could be flag of India in flowish manner and Diaspora logo sitting besides or on top or on bottom.

The idea would be to have mix of both the concepts and people get that it's to make the movement and up-take national and not to certain places only.

Just a #suggestion.

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