Fri 20 Dec 2013 11:56PM

Campaign website

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 304

We have working with a plain wordpress site. Need volunteers to handle updates.

We should also embed on the front page so people can see events near them and participate.


Pirate Praveen Mon 15 Dec 2014 6:12AM

Since diaspora server was having capacity problems, we had taken the site down. I think its better to have a static site (server already has ruby and loading php for just this sites is not worth it). We can use #diasporayatra tag for updates. I'm building a new bootstrap site right now. Let me know if anyone like to help.


Pirate Praveen Mon 15 Dec 2014 7:48AM

You can see the code at send pull requests.


Pirate Praveen Mon 15 Dec 2014 4:30PM

We have to add more details to the site. Contact section should list loomio page, events section should mention (say we are using temporarily as we are still building events feature in diaspora). Fund Raising section should link to the indiegogo page. Mention how people can contribute somewhere. Update website, post of social media, create posters, coordinate events etc.


Akshay Wed 31 Dec 2014 2:15AM

I have sent a merge request adding gulp.js tasks to the site.


Pirate Praveen Wed 31 Dec 2014 2:51AM

@akshay thanks! I have accepted the merge request and added you to the team - you can now commit directly. I have also shared with you password for the hosting server. Please update the site. Just ssh and git pull inside web directory (may be add the steps to update site in README).

Currently me, @balasankarchelamat , @manukrishnantv and @anisha has access to the server..


Pirate Praveen Mon 5 Jan 2015 7:30AM

@akshay add a section for deeper articles on privacy, surveillance etc.

Start with these,

Ai Weiwei is Living in Our Future

Who Is Watching You?

Hackers can’t solve Surveillance


Pirate Praveen Mon 5 Jan 2015 11:16AM

@akshay I think we can remove "This site is under construction" now and Link to About section as subtitle. Also see if we can write something more creative there.


Manu Krishnan T V Wed 14 Jan 2015 7:16AM

@akshay @praveenarimbrathod I think the Partners section in the website can be made a bit more appealing. That section of the site doesn't match with the others. May be because of the white background behind the logos.


Pirate Vik Wed 14 Jan 2015 4:09PM

what is the correct url for the site? I get different pages:


Pirate Praveen Thu 15 Jan 2015 1:51AM

@vik its just http, I'm halfway configuring https.


Pirate Vik Thu 15 Jan 2015 9:20AM

@praveenarimbrathod at I only see the default template - I can't see for example the partners section. I guess I am missing something?


Akshay Thu 15 Jan 2015 11:38AM

@vik That's impossible! :O try ctrl+shift+R


Pirate Vik Thu 15 Jan 2015 12:42PM

@akshay I did try that, but yeah, agree this is a caching issue on my side :) will sort it


Akshay Fri 16 Jan 2015 6:41AM

@manukrishnantv My designer-fu is bad. How does it look now? I've rearranged the icons. Don't wanna put too much time on it because there might be additional partners and then will have to change layouts again.


Manu Krishnan T V Fri 16 Jan 2015 1:02PM

As a designer, I am no good. But, it looks better now.

Can we give more space for the logo on top and move the letters a bit right, so both have the same height. Similar is the case when scrolling. Also, the logo seems to have a border now. Hope that can be removed.


Pirate Praveen Mon 7 Dec 2015 8:13AM

@akshay @manukrishnantv seems is down. I think it is hosted on and last vps migration caused it.


Manu Krishnan T V Wed 9 Dec 2015 6:28PM

@praveenarimbrathod Its no longer hosted on poddery vps, but on a shared server. There was a recent IP change due to a datacenter move and the records for is not yet updated. We will need to find the old thread and ask the person with access to make the updation.