Tue 17 Dec 2024 10:18PM

Printing books of course curriculum created by mentors of FSCI

K kuber Public Seen by 14

Greetings mentors and volunteers of FSCI,

My name is Kuber arora kapoor. I had joined FSCI as a student in 2023 as a student. At present, mentors of FSCI creates online tutorials or search for already created tutorials by practitioners of Free software community. I request that the course curriculum created by mentors of FSCI is printed in the form of paperback books along with Graphics designing of front and back page.

I live near Delhi university, North campus. I am volunteering for FSCI for printing of books of FSCI course curriculum in paperback form at photocopy shops of Delhi university.

Cost of Printing of books :

This photocopy shop prints A4 pages at a very affordable cost. Also, their is book binding shop which binds the book. Rs 2 per page for printing per page and Rs 100 for paperback binding.

I request volunteers of F.S.C.I for :

  1. Proof-reading of the content prepared by mentors

  2. Graphics designing of front and back page of paperback

After printing of the books, the website maintainer of FSCI website can create a 'Shop' menu section on FSCI website on which the first page and last page of all the printed books can be uploaded. Students can purchase these books from the 'Shop' menu section of FSCI website.

Reference of books created by Free software foundation :


Second option :

If any mentor wants publishing of their book, then please contact Notion Press.

Book Publishing option :

Thank you

Kuber arora kapoor