Education, building our perspective

There is a good article about higher education in India.
"Almost a century ago, Kalidas Bhattacharya, a philosophy teacher in Calcutta, delivered an address to his students which was published as a tract named “Swaraj in Ideas”. Though the address must itself be seen in the context of the Indian national movement, its message remains as fresh as ever. Bhattacharya had argued that political independence by itself would amount to little if Indians did not have the mental capacity to imagine a world in relation to their own needs. The prerequisite for this is the development of cognitive means, an ethical sensibility and a historical understanding. This alone can be called an education. We watch with shock and awe as everything handed down from Delhi of late suggests that the political class don’t want one for our young. Higher education in India is being throttled by the regulator, and no one is screaming murder. "
We should start building our perspective on education. What should be a pirate vision for ecucation?
michael john sinclair. Tue 30 Jun 2015 4:03PM
Free education for all who want to learn.
Simplicity is the fasted way to suceed.
Akhilesh Jamdar Wed 1 Jul 2015 12:55PM
Politicians and businessmen must be kept out of education. Philosophers(original educators) must be those who educate. As politicians would always keep politics first and education second. Businessmen would keep business first and education second. It's only natural of the people belonging to those social constructs to do so.
In any case, to make people more politically free, they must be given a more free education. Instead of "learn this and write it down" - it must be "Learn something and write what you have learned'. You could of course have mandatory subjects though - but all valid content must be given upon as a choice.
[deactivated account] Thu 9 Jul 2015 2:01AM
And information should be free from the clutches of corporations.. It should be accessible for free and by anyone who wants it..
As late Aaron Swartz mentioned in his "Guirella Open Access Manifesto" ----
"Information is power. But like all power, there are those who want to keep it for themselves. The world's entire scientific and cultural heritage, published over centuries
in books and journals, is increasingly being digitized and locked up by a handful of private corporations."
Heres a link to the Guerilla Open Access Manifesto --
athul george appadan Sat 11 Jul 2015 2:16PM
The effort should be for the total de-politicisation of our academic institutions. For years now, academicia is seen by political parties across the spectrum as a vehicle for propaganda. Ministers like Noorul Hassan, Arjun Singh, Murali Manohar joshi are all guilty in putting their affiliates in charge of institutions, a precedent which is carried forward most aggressively by this govt. It should be the academicians who control academics.
Apart from the de-politicisation, coverage and quallity of education is also important.

Pirate Praveen Sat 11 Jul 2015 6:17PM
@athulgeorgeappadan while I agree with your sentiment of resisting political interference in educatiinal institutions, de-politicisation is not the right usage. Politics is being aware of the things happening in society and having an opinion on them. In most countries youth and students play an important role in political struggles. So I want students politically aware and play an active role in understanding and shaping society. The sad situation is the lack of political awareness among youth.
athul george appadan Sun 12 Jul 2015 4:46AM
May be I used the wrong term. By de-politicisation, I only meant ending the grip of politicians in educational hierarchy. Politicisation of education and promoting politics among students are two different things.

Vidyut Tue 14 Jul 2015 1:19PM
RTE needs to be fixed.
Firstly, I think the "compulsory" educational goal should be limited to literacy and not specific number of years of schooling/syllabus/qualification.
The existing obligation to educate children for free should continue.
Special category of govt social worker needs to be created who monitor education status of non-schooling children, in particular, ensuring that they have access to learning opportunities and that they are not being denied if they want to go to school.
Serious education reform needs to recognize vocational apprenticeships as valid education. Many traditional arts and crafts and methods are dying out because they were passed through families or apprenticeships and children now going through assembly line education in school, there simply is no one to take it forward.
As long as people are literate, the government should not try to control how and what they learn and instead focus on providing excellence to those who are attending educational institutions.
michael john sinclair. Tue 14 Jul 2015 3:42PM
Free education for all who want to learn.Simplicity is the fasted way to suceed.
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Von:"Pirate Praveen (Loomio)"
Datum:Di., 30. Juni 2015 um 15:55
Betreff:[Indian Pirates] Education, building our perspective
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Education, building our perspective ( )
There is a good article about higher education in India.
“Almost a century ago, Kalidas Bhattacharya, a philosophy teacher in Calcutta, delivered an address to his students which was published as a tract named “Swaraj in Ideas”. Though the address must itself be seen in the context of the Indian national movement, its message remains as fresh as ever. Bhattacharya had argued that political independence by itself would amount to little if Indians did not have the mental capacity to imagine a world in relation to their own needs. The prerequisite for this is the development of cognitive means, an ethical sensibility and a historical understanding. This alone can be called an education.. We watch with shock and awe as everything handed down from Delhi of late suggests that the political class don’t want one for our young. Higher education in India is being throttled by the regulator, and no one is screaming murder. ” ( )
We should start building our perspective on education. What should be a pirate vision for ecucation?
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Akshay · Tue 30 Jun 2015 2:18PM
I am confused on how to think about education. What are the goals of education? Self reliance for sure. Creativity? Might be important for some. Developing scientific temper? Cultivating passion towards humanity? Ethics? Courage?
Who are responsible in ensuring all this? Government, for sure. Others? What are the roles of citizens, teachers, parents, students?